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Scholarship to Travel the World

Scholarship to Travel the WorldA reader by the name of Taylor emailed me asking advice on where in the world he should propose to travel for a $20,000 scholarship. It seems as if a very wealthy man who “who clearly has too much money” gives this huge travel scholarship to one student at Taylor’s university [...]

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Scholarship to Travel the World

A reader by the name of Taylor emailed me asking advice on where in the world he should propose to travel for a $20,000 scholarship. It seems as if a very wealthy man who “who clearly has too much money” gives this huge travel scholarship to one student at Taylor’s university every year.

Read Scholarship for Travel
Wade from Vagabond Journey.com
in Brooklyn, New York, USA- September 14, 2008
Travelogue Travel Photos

But the stipulations that are placed on the winner of the scholarship are interesting and indicates to me that the man who gives this grant was once (or still is) a traveler himself. For example the student who wins this award must travel continuously for at least nine months, must not go to Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand etc. . . , must not take part in any organized activities – no working, studying, or even going on tours – and they must do all of this alone. This is a traveler’s criteria if I have ever known one. I would love to meet the man who gives this award.

I can imagine Andy the Hobotraveler giving out travel awards like this as soon as he makes his millions off of Hideout.

Map of Middle East and North Africa

(Regular readers of this travelogue will probably take note that this is also my own proposed route of travel after I dig myself out of this New York City hole in January.)

The Paths of the world are open for those who wish to travel them. There are plenty of options to travel the world through studying abroad and winning scholarships. During the course of my own travels I have very often relied on the good graces of scholarships and financial aid to boot my expenses.

The world is full of opportunity, to seize it you just need to poke around, fumbled about a little, and find your path. Studying and winning scholarships is a great way to obtain the means to travel. Good on ya Taylor for seeking out this scholarship and going for it. If I can be of any further assistance just let me know.

Scholarship for Travel

Links to previous travelogue entries:

  • Worlds Most Traveled Motorcycle
  • Couchsurfing in New York City
  • Philadelphia to New York City

Scholarship to Travel the World
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Filed under: Study Abroad

About the Author:

I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 93 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. has written 3728 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.

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VBJ is currently in: Rome, Italy

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