Here’s why you should push your boundaries and study abroad in non-traditional locations. Part 2.
Study Abroad Blog
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This is a collection of articles and guides to studying abroad and study abroad programs.
Choosing A University Major For A Life Of International Travel
One of the best effects globalization has had for long term travelers is that more and more jobs are being internationalized. Although teaching English seems to be the most common job for travelers, as well as hostel work or seasonal gigs, there are thousands of other options available. I have met people living abroad who [...]
Go Early, Go Often: How to Study Abroad More Than Once and Graduate On Time
Greetings, vagabonds and travelers-in-training. It seems that every day more and more people find higher education to be beneficial, if not downright necessary in order to obtain the jobs that they want. If you are part of this crowd, but you can’t imagine spending three to five years working towards a degree without hitting the [...]
Study Abroad: Training for the Modern Vagabond
Without question, a huge portion of the traveling community is young. Although curiosity and wanderlust is absolutely ageless, the intensity of youth pushes these feelings to the forefront. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has lain awake at night thinking that if I was going to travel, I had to go soon. Otherwise, [...]
Study Abroad in Jordan
Jordan is an increasingly popular study abroad destination. It is regarded as one of the safest and most stable places in the Middle East, making it a good place to study the area. It is also centrally located so students who want to can visit neighboring countries such as Syria, Israel, Lebanon, and Egypt. Study [...]
Study Abroad in Cape Verde
Cape Verde is an archipelago of small islands off the coast of Africa in the Atlantic Ocean. If you are looking to study abroad in Cape Verde you have two choices: one is to find a study abroad program in your home country that runs a program in Cape Verde and the other is just [...]
Study Abroad in Iceland
How to Enroll in a Study Abroad Program in Iceland There are many opportunities for foreign students to study abroad in Iceland. There are three main ways to go about enrolling in an Icelandic studies program: 1) Go to an Icelandic university, 2) Go to a university in your home country that has a program [...]
Go to Traveler University
Go to Traveler University A primer on using post-secondary education to prepare you for a career on the open road. As editor of Vagabond Journey Travel I often receieve many letters from young aspiring travelers who find themselves trying to decide between going to university or beginning their world travels. These kids seem to be [...]
How to Get Parents’ Permission to Travel to Europe
How to get my parents to let me travel to Europe with a school group? Hello, Ahh, the ultimate power play of youth: how to get your parents’ permission to allow you to go away from them. It is my impression that the only thing you can do is to keep working on them — [...]
Gap Year to Travel
Should I take a gap year to travel? Hello Michael, It is my impression that going to university before you are ready is a good way to waste a lot of time and money. I have known many people who rushed into a post-secondary education, graduated at 22 years of age, and then realized that [...]