It’s only January! With each passing day, week, and month my desire to leave Cleveland and start traveling grows stronger. I need to wait until July to have my desired travel funds and to also give myself time to prepare but I want to go now. It doesn’t help that its 15 degrees outside and [...]
It’s only January! With each passing day, week, and month my desire to leave Cleveland and start traveling grows stronger. I need to wait until July to have my desired travel funds and to also give myself time to prepare but I want to go now. It doesn’t help that its 15 degrees outside and impossible to do much of anything outside for any extended period of time. I want to be out on the open road free to go where I want when I want. Waiting and preparing is tiring.
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About the Author: Sam Langley
Sam Langley left a comfortable and profitable job with an insurance company in the USA to travel the world. He has been going for years, and has not stopped yet. Keep up with his travels on his blog at Cubicle Ditcher. Sam Langley has written 147 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.
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