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Tourist Attractions and Hotels in Aqaba Jordan

Aqaba Jordan Tourist Attractions and Hotels Photos    Aqaba Jordan Tourist Attractions and Hotels Pictures More Photos from Jordan | Permission to Use Photos Jerusalem Hotel in Aqaba, Jordan. This is one of the cheapest place to stay in this city, and is incredibly dirty and insecure. Though there were few other options for budget accommodation. [...]

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Aqaba Jordan Tourist Attractions and Hotels Photos    Aqaba Jordan Tourist Attractions and Hotels Pictures

More Photos from Jordan
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Jerusalem Hotel in Aqaba, Jordan. This is one of the cheapest place to stay in this city, and is incredibly dirty and insecure. Though there were few other options for budget accommodation.

Cheap Jordanian food in Aqaba.

Jordan girls in the free trade zone of Aqaba, Jordan.

Speed boats and Muslim girls swimming in the Red Sea with all of their clothes on in Aqaba.

Muslim girls and family swimming in the Red Sea in Aqaba.

Aqaba Jordan Tourist Attractions and Hotels

Jordanians on vacation in Aqaba on the Red Sea. Jordan seems to be trying to turn this place into a resort city, and it seems to be working to only a modest extent.

Jordanians swimming in the Red Sea.

Camping on the "beach" of Aqaba. An industrial shipping port is nearby.

No sleeping in the parking lot sign right over people sleeping in the parking lot near the coast of Aqaba.

Jordanians sleeping in the parking lot "beach" of Aqaba, Jordan.


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Filed under: Jordan, Middle East

About the Author:

I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 91 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. has written 3706 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.

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  • Chyara January 4, 2010, 1:30 pm

    with a lot of things that exists in Aqaba, why is it that you focused only on Negatives?

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  • Amina June 22, 2010, 7:43 pm

    Aqaba! This is a place I would like to visit! It is a coastal town in the far south of Jordan and is in fact known for its good diving and resorts, but with a twist. It has its only seaport positioned amongst the tourist. This means it plays a dual role for the economy and with it adds some wonderful color and interest not often found with one or the other. The town exports phosphate and shells.

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  • Simon Coleman December 1, 2010, 12:15 am

    Yes, this article is a little disappointing. I have been fortunate to visit Jordan and it has many exciting and beautiful aspects yet this unfortunately does not promote a positive travel location.

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