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Tips for Solo Female Travel

The following tips come from Jasmine at Jasminewanders.com. I asked her a question about traveling in South American as a solo female and received a response that is a truly excellent primer for all travelers anywhere. What are your tips for solo travel as a female in South America? Are there any special precautions that [...]

The following tips come from Jasmine at Jasminewanders.com. I asked her a question about traveling in South American as a solo female and received a response that is a truly excellent primer for all travelers anywhere.

What are your tips for solo travel as a female in South America? Are there any special precautions that you would recommend taking? Any advantages that you feel you have over your male counterparts? Any special strategies that you employ to travel safe, well, and to have fun?

The most important tip I can offer is learn Spanish! If you plan to be traveling for awhile in Latin America, there’s no excuse not to. One language will carry you through numerous countries, which is a unique feature of the region. However, taking Spanish classes for two hours a day and then hanging out with other English-speaking backpackers all day will be a waste of your time and money. If you really want to learn the language, practice it!

I also can’t emphasize enough the importance of listening to and trusting your instincts. There’s a thin line between being overly paranoid and dangerously naive. It might take awhile to find a balance if you’re not used to listening to your inner voice, but my instincts have kept me safe from dodgy situations and helped me be open with those who have become great friends.


Disclaimer: your instincts are useless if you are a pushover. Some will try to take advantage of you for being a foreigner or a woman, but you don’t have to let them. That might include aggressively haggling $2 off a taxi ride, saying no to an aggressive tour guide, or fending off the advances of a stray drunk.

That brings me to my next point… ask for local advice. When you get to a new city, ask your bus mate or hostel staff if there are any rough spots you should avoid, how much a taxi should cost from point A to point B, or if there are any places you can check out that aren’t in your guidebook.

And for girls only – boys, look away! – it’s not always easy to find tampons. Unless you like waddling around in the evil diaper, stock up before your trip or bring along a Diva cup or its equivalent.

Tips for solo female travel

The way I stay safe in Latin America, and through all my travels, is to project a confident energy. Shoulders back, head high, act like you belong there. Just like dogs, dodgy types can smell your fear. I’ve learned to project a “big” and sometimes a “don’t f*ck with me” energy, which has helped protect me through dangerous capitals, bad neighborhoods, and aggressive pervs.

Being a female traveler is easy. Women are generally seen as less threatening than men, and I think people are quicker to help females than males. Also, if the situation calls for it, a touch of feminine charm doesn’t hurt either.

To maximize my travel experience, I always make an effort to make local friends. A country is not made up of sights, it’s made up of human beings. The way to get to the heart of a country is through its people.


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Filed under: Female Travel

About the Author:

has written 2 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.

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  • Joey Phi February 10, 2011, 10:17 pm

    Yes tampons are a great idea, but also…. MIDOLS! I couldnt translate at the pharmacy and I was in so much pain, don’t leave without it!

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    • Wade | Vagabond Journey.com February 11, 2011, 1:58 pm

      Haha, hilarious. Very true. I once tried to get midol (or equivalent) for a girlfriend once in China. They pharmacy staff did not understand until I said in Chinese, “My girlfriend is like the moon, her stomach hurts.” It worked.

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    • Jasmine February 16, 2011, 7:42 pm

      LOL I´ve actually been able to find Midol-like pills around here… but another good point, I would definitely be out of order for a day without them

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  • Webjet.com February 15, 2011, 11:40 am

    Great tips! I think you’re totally right about projecting that tough energy to ward off creeps. Just trust your instincts and its a lot easier to weed-out those who have ill-intentions from those who genuinely want to help and connect with you.

    Link Reply
    • Jasmine February 16, 2011, 7:43 pm

      It´s so true. Unfortunately, a lot of people ignore their instincts, which is a HUGE mistake.

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  • dad February 15, 2011, 8:55 pm

    why aren’t you writing??

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  • Evelyn Hannon February 3, 2012, 1:45 pm

    How women travellers dress is so important. Here are just 3 of my 30 journeywoman.com tips for staying safe on the road.

    TIGHT CLOTHING ON A FEMALE TRAVELLER IS A NO-NO — Any woman in form fitting clothes will always attract attention either good or bad. Don’t take a chance. The good that comes may be pleasant but generally it’s only fleeting. It is the bad that you are guarding against. It’s not worth gambling with your safety and wellbeing for an appreciative wolf-whistle or an invitation to drinks.

    DRESS IN NEUTRAL MUTED COLORS — When I first started travelling solo I packed my bright red sweater with a big yellow sun on it. I thought it would help me to make friends along the way. It did but it also attracted touts and vagrants. I’ve learned my lesson since; now my travel wardrobe is mostly black with a bit of grey and beige thrown in for good measure. I feel much less visible and that’s a very good thing.

    WHY IS SOMEONE CHOOSING YOU? — Thieves and pickpockets come in many shapes and sizes. It might be that cute little kid who sits beside you at the train station, tugs on your sleeve and begins to cry. Perhaps it’s the smartly dressed, middle-aged businessman who asks for the time or directions. Your first instinct should be to become more vigilant. That child is often a decoy for the mom who is going through your backpack as you deal with a crying youngster. And, once you stop to offer the time to the so-called businessman, he ascertains by your speech if you are a native or someone he can dupe. While it seems rude and callous, Journeywoman’s best advice is to think and evaluate before you offer your help to any strangers that single you out.

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