Going to Kyiv.

On April 22-24 I will be speaking at the second Business for Smart Cities conference in Kyiv, Ukraine. The event is about the future of cities and “Society 5.0, the Population of the 22nd century.” Futurism stuff.
I will be talking about the new cities of the New Silk Road and the rapid implementation of IT systems that fundamentally change how cities function and the position of the people who inhabit them.
I like speaking at these types of conferences. Basically, I’m an entertainer. I’m an author with no business stakes in the event (don’t say book sales, as I only make 17 cents per copy sold) whose role it is to provide a glimpse of what these places look like from the inside. It’s interesting how few people are actually able to do this. Those on the business end can’t — or don’t — just walk in the streets talking with people, they can’t — or don’t — just show up in the smart cities of their competitors. I’m an unaligned traveler. I can go wherever I want and hang out with whoever I want. I guess the perspectives that I obtain are worth flying me to Ukraine and paying my speaker’s fee.
As I’ve outlined previously, speaking events are one prong in my five part business strategy, along with blogging, writing books, articles, and making documentaries. They pay, my travel expenses are covered, and they provide good social value as they further project me as an “authority” on what I cover — which is highly valuable.
If you’re around Kyiv then get in touch.
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About the Author: VBJ
I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 93 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. VBJ has written 3728 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.
VBJ is currently in: Rome, Italy
January 4, 2020, 9:19 pm
Sounds good, Ukraine must be fascinating. Good on ya M8!
Tough beat by the Bills….hope you and the fan base are alright.
January 8, 2020, 6:00 am
Hey Wade, 2020 is shaping up to potentially have a fair few trips. I am going on a 5 week trip to Bangladesh, India, and Myanmar as a sort of research project, meet some contacts, and have fun. Going to the States in the summer for my sister”s wedding and hopefully can get to Mexico and El Salvador (funds dependent).
And of course India like I have spoken to you about. But it’s tough man. Jakarta and Taipei are always so close and so cheap that I was always feel to go to new areas.
Will you be in the States this summer? Where else are you going besides Ukraine and South Africa?
January 8, 2020, 6:10 pm
Yea, I like the idea of being close to Australia at the moment, so maybe Jakarta is the move. I am just trying to push a bit and also let things come in at their own pace. I interviewed a guy in India last night and yes…bonkers might be a good word. I am not even there!
In the USA it is just going to be that combination of time and $$$ and familial commitments. My family just DOES NOT travel at all, so it is a bit tough. I would love to go to Fenway and even that seems to freak them out a bit, so it can be hard to get away.
But if I get up that way I will let you know…or we can meet up on the road.
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