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Cheaper Transport from STI Airport to Santiago Dominican Republic

Introduction When preparing to travel into the city of Santiago in the Dominican Republic from the airport (STI) you are presented with a handful of transportation options. The first is a tour bus, which provide connections to the beach resort towns of the Dominican Republic to the Santiago airport, an airport taxi which charges around [...]

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When preparing to travel into the city of Santiago in the Dominican Republic from the airport (STI) you are presented with a handful of transportation options. The first is a tour bus, which provide connections to the beach resort towns of the Dominican Republic to the Santiago airport, an airport taxi which charges around 18 USD, and a local taxi, which is three times cheaper.

This entry is about how to get a local taxi from the Santiago airport to the city.

How to get a local taxi at the Santiago airport

After exiting the arrivals hall, you will be met by a mob of airport taxi drivers. Walk past them. Walk across the pickup/ drop off road that runs in front of the airport and through a little parking lot on the other side. Then walk down a set of stairs and stand at a little traffic circle that comes off a highway. There should should be local taxis there. If not, then wait for one.

How to negotiate a fare

The airport taxis charge around 700 pesos for a ride into Santiago, so if you can halve this price with a local taxi you are doing well. But I say that you could get a ride to the city center for around 250 to 300 pesos. I took a ride to the Metro Bus station in Los Jardines for 200 — a little less than 6 USD, or a third of what the airport taxis were charging.

Map of where to get a local taxi at the Santiago airport

This is a rough sketch of where to catch a local taxi at the Santiago airport -- basically just walk straight out of the arrivals hall to the highway


If you leave the airport proper you can find cheaper transportation into Santiago from the airport.


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Filed under: Airports, Dominican Republic

About the Author:

I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 91 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. has written 3723 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.

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  • Adrian April 7, 2010, 11:40 am

    How’s it going man. I stumbled upon your blog about a week or so ago, and have spent several joyous hours reading thru it all. I have one quick question for you though. I can’t seem to get a concrete answer as to what time the first bus departures from Santiago to Sosua are. Would you happen to remember what time the very first buses run from Santiago to Sosua on both Caribe Tours and Metro Tours. I’ve ridden the busses down there a number of times before, but never this route, and like you, i have a crazy arrival time in Santiago. Thanks, and i wish you, your wife, and little the girl the safest and best of travels.


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  • Wade | Vagabondjourney.com April 7, 2010, 11:41 am

    Hello Adrian,

    I don’t know for sure, but it is my impression that they don’t start running to Sosua until like 7 or 8 AM. I remember that we took a 9:30 AM bus and it was one of the first out. It is funny because a lot of the flights get in really early in the morning.

    It is not too bad waiting for sun up at the airport though. The arrivals and departures halls are actually outside, so you can just sit and watch the morning come up.

    Walk Slow,


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