Really, what else is travel for?
Travel Plan
My Stomping Ground – 2023 Edition
My range to roam. Where I can employ the spokes of the wheel travel strategy from NYC.
Traveling Around The World For The First Time
After 19 years of traveling around the world, it’s hard to believe that I’ve never actually gone “around the world.”
Next Era Of Travel: Post-Soviet States
My next era of travel will more than likely be the region that I’ve been predominately traveling in for the past year and a half: the states of the former Soviet Union. I need to improve my vodka skills.
The Road Ahead: Europe, The Netherlands To Ukraine (New Silk Road Travels Bout 4)
The road ahead consist of crossing Europe from the Netherlands to Ukraine.
The Road Ahead: Singapore, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Dubai, Sri Lanka (New Silk Road Travels, Bout 3)
On the road ahead lies Singapore, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Dubai, and Sri Lanka (and maybe the Maldives too).
The Road Ahead: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Horgos Free Trade Zone
I’m preparing to go out to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and the Horgos FTZ to begin my next big project: a book about the New Silk Road.
The Road Ahead: Wade to Indonesia
Wade makes his way from Hong Kong to Indonesia and muses over the emotions that come with travel.