Text, photographs, video?
Taking Photos of People – Indonesia
How I use a camera to engage people — the pictures are only a secondary benefit.
Make Money Working As A Wedding Photographer When Traveling
For me, traveling has a lot of advantages and a few disadvantages. One of these disadvantages is that you only spend money while on the road. But fortunately, if you’re creative enough, you can make money while traveling. You can be an English teacher, work as an archaeologist, work at a hotel etc… In this [...]
Camera Shopping in Shanghai
Shopping for a camera in Shanghai is like diving into an abyss of choice. Entire malls are devoted solely to cameras.
How to Select a Camera for Travel
What makes a good camera for travel? After over 11 years of traveling the world and taking photos, I have isolated three main attributes that make a camera good for travel: 1) Photo quality, 2) Reaction time, 3) Durability. In point, taking a photo means nothing if it comes out blurry, a good quality photo [...]
Take Better Pictures in the Sun Photography Tip
Ever notice how sometimes you get a big streak of bright and pixilated sunlight going through your photos when taking pictures on bright sunny days? Like in these photo below: See how that streak of errant and unnatural looking sunlight cuts through and essentially ruins these photos? How to prevent sun streaking in photos For some [...]