Where to go in France if you can’t be bothered to learn French.
The Story of a Chinese Guy with an Unprintable Name
Not every Chinese character is accounted for, not every name can be typed.
Lost in Translation: Xiamen’s 猫咪 Cafe
A new cafe with an attention grabbing name just opened in Xiamen. An obtuse marketing ploy or lost in translation?
What Discovered Really Means, and the War Against Words
OPINION: Would you rather communicate or have a petty battle of intellect?
What the Gecko Lizard Emblem on Cars in China Mean
Literally millions of cars in China have little gold or silver gecko emblems stuck on them. What do they mean? Find out here.
How To Learn Foreign Language When Doing Nothing
I don’t study language holed up in rooms all by myself. No, I study language when out in the streets, in train stations, while standing in line, when sitting in restaurants.
Chinese/ English Bilingualism: My Daughter Learns To Speak Mandarin
As though she flipped a switch my daughter begins speaking Chinese.
The Other Use Of Ting Bu Dong – Chinese Language
All foreigners in China quickly become familiar with the phrase ting bu dong, but there is another way to use it.