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I Hosted Radivision Stories Live Yesterday – ‘Covidpreneurs’

Interviewing a CEO on the frontlines of the fight against Covid for a new entrepreneurship channel.

Wade Shepard on Radivision
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ASTORIA, NYC- I never know what will find when I wake up in the morning and check my inboxes. That’s probably the best part of this work — it’s absolutely, completely unpredictable. I like doing new things, and I like the unexpected. The only given here is that I am going to spend my days asking questions, getting answers, and learning something new. So when I opened my email and received a message from a guy named Nima about a series he was doing for a new entrepreneurship channel called Radivision I was immediately interested.

Basically, they’re doing a series of interviews with 47 entrepreneurs who are running companies who are working on the front lines of the Covid-19 battle. They wanted me to come in and do some of the interviews. $200 a pop. Sounds good.

Radivision has been in development for the past four years and recently just launched. They are trying to become the “ESPN for entrepreneurs,” and the COVIDpreneurs series that I would be hosting some shows for would be their first go at original content.

I did the interview yesterday with David Weingard, the CEO of Cecelia Health. You can watch it here:

It was kind of an interesting experience for me. I prepared like business as usual. I’ve been on live TV / web shows many times before. You get dressed up, go on, say some stuff, have fun, and then go on with your day. But as I was getting things together I realized that I’ve never been on a live show where I was the host before. Very rarely have I ever even published video footage of me doing interviews. I know that my interview style is different that most other journalists — whenever I get interviewed I study the interviewer’s methodology — and I wondered if it would translate well on screen. I got a little nervous … and smiled.

I like that feeling. That feeling where you don’t know is going to happen. The grasping of this feeling underlies a lot of what I do. I crave it when I don’t have it. I would rather go out and embarrass myself then sit in the dugout any day.

My little Chinese sister — who’s like 15 years old now — gave a talk in front of the congregation at church last week. She asked me what I do about being nervous. I thought for a long minute before responding, “Enjoy it.”

That tingling feeling of nerves and excitement is your body’s way of telling you that something is happening.

Stuff happening … that’s really what life is all about.


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Filed under: In Other Media

About the Author:

I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 93 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. has written 3728 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.

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VBJ is currently in: Rome, Italy

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