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How to Live Stream the Olympic Games With a VPN

As so many of my fellow countrymen are stuck on the other side of NBC’s pay wall and are experiencing a blackout of the Olympic Games, I offer a simple way that all Americans with an internet connection can watch the Olympics freely — like people do in every other country in the world. It’s easy. 1. Download [...]

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As so many of my fellow countrymen are stuck on the other side of NBC’s pay wall and are experiencing a blackout of the Olympic Games, I offer a simple way that all Americans with an internet connection can watch the Olympics freely — like people do in every other country in the world. It’s easy.

1. Download a VPN (Virtual Private Network) or web proxy program. This is a program that allows you to access the internet from servers in other countries. There are many free and paid options available, some of which include: OpenVPNStrongVPN, and HMA. They only take a few minutes to set up and some of the paid options have monthly rates lower than $10.

  1. Connect to a server in a country that offers live streams of the games. I use the UK because the BBC are currently offering the best coverage the Olympic games — ever. They have 24 live streaming channels to choose from, and you can watch the events you want when you want to. Watch BBC Olympic live streams.

  2. Go to the website of the network you wish to watch the live streams of. You will be permitted access as you will be using an IP address from that country.

Using a VPN logged into a server from out of the USA also allows users to access the many clips from the Olympics that are going up on Youtube — which are banned to users with a US based IP address.

Even if you are a cable subscriber and can access the games via NBC, it is my impression that they are blundering it again, and you can probably get a better viewer experience using a VPN and accessing live streams from the UK or Canada.

This advice was written especially for people in the USA struggling to get by NBC’s pay wall of the Olympics in London 2012, but it can be used by anyone from any country in any year who wishes to watch better coverage  of the games. 

Here at VagabondJourney.com, we use and recommend Hide My Ass VPN.


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Filed under: Internet

About the Author:

I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 93 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. has written 3728 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.

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VBJ is currently in: Rome, Italy

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