My first full-length documentary.
South Korea
Dumb Questions Lead To Interesting Results
Conversations are exploration. You never know where they can go.
Filming A Documentary In Songdo
I just did the filming for a couple of short documentaries in Songdo, South Korea.
The Sheer Beauty of Korean Food
A few weeks before I departed for Korea we went for Cambodian food with some friends. The talk naturally turned to different food from around the world and the ones we loved. I personally have always been partial to Vietnamese food and Indian food. The talk turned to Korean food and how so few people [...]
What South Koreans Say About “The Interview”
There has been much controversy over Sony’s “The Interview,” with Seth Rogen and James Franco, but what do South Korean people really think about the film?
Penis-landia: A Trip to South Korea’s Haesindong Penis Park
An ode to sex, fertility, and the big ones in an otherwise prudish society? Lawrence Hamilton set out to discover the story behind South Korea’s Haesindong Penis Park and found something surprising.
Lack of Mental Healthcare in Korean Culture Leads to Social Ills
If I asked you to recall the likeness of a merciless, cruel murderer, an Asian face would probably be the last image to come to your mind. In the West, the histories of Stalin, Hitler, Jack the Ripper, and Charles Manson continue to astonish us, and mugshots of killers from every ethnicity corrode the film [...]