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Alphasmart Writing Devices

There is a neat little contraption that the traveller Loren Everly showed to me in Mongolia. It is called an Alphasmart and is essentially a battery powered keyboard with a small screen that can remember 60- 250 pages of keystrokes, which can be easily loaded up onto any word processing program on a computer and [...]

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There is a neat little contraption that the traveller Loren Everly showed to me in Mongolia. It is called an Alphasmart and is essentially a battery powered keyboard with a small screen that can remember 60- 250 pages of keystrokes, which can be easily loaded up onto any word processing program on a computer and then published online. They are light weight and the old models are cheap (ebay for 10-30 dollars). This little device would be a clutch companion while writing on the road.

No longer would I have to sit for as many long long hours in cramped, cigarette smoke filled internet cafes wiling away money and good daylight tramping hours. I could simply write on the Alphasmart keyboard wherever I am (outside, in a park, hostel bed, a friggin mountain top!), stroll into a café in passing, load everything up onto the computer from the Alphasmart, publish it, and be off exploring again within a few minutes. Thank you for showing me this contraption, Loren!

It is either an Alphasmart or a laptop. Laptops are heavy. Alphasmarts are light, cheap, and looseable. If an Alphasmart is stolen or broken there is not much to lament- maybe I will loose a few pages of writing and be out thirty dollars. If the same were to happen to my laptop then I would find myself in a slightly more regretful position.

I do not like wasting thought on my property in travel. I travel to be free from things. Why would I want to carry anything?


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Filed under: North America, Travel Gear, USA

About the Author:

I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 93 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. has written 3728 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.

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VBJ is currently in: Rome, Italy

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