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  • Food in South Africa

    South African cuisine has a wide variety of influences. There is the typical food of the African communities. There is the Dutch and English influence, spread by the Afrikaaners and English who inhabit the country. There is an Indian influence, especially around Durban. A Cape Malay influence is particularly noted around Cape Town. This makes [...]

  • Study Language in South Africa

    South Africa has 11 official languages: English, Afrikaans, Xhosa, Zulu, Ndebele, Sotho, Northern Sotho, Swazi, Tswana, Tsonga and Venda. There are also more indigenous languages that are not included in the 11. So you have a good selection of languages to study when you go to South Africa. First hand accounts of studying language in [...]

  • Clothing in Rwanda

    This is a collection of information about clothing in Rwanda and what clothes a traveler should bring to Rwanda when visiting. Rwandans today wear modern Western style clothing. In fact, much of it is actually used clothing from the West complete with slogans in English and US sports teams logos. When traveling to Rwanda, keep [...]

  • Clothing in Liberia

    Generally, in urban areas Liberians are more likely to dress in typical Western style dress (jeans and t-shirts), while in more rural areas Liberians wear more traditional West African attire. Traditionally men wear short or long pants with a loose round-neck shirt. Women traditionally will wear a long wrap skirt called “lappa” and loose top [...]

  • Food in Equatorial Guinea

    The food of Equatorial Guinea is a blend of native tribes tradition with that of their Spanish colonial past. The staple foods in Equatorial Guinea include cassava, bananas, rice and yam with chicken, meat (often locally hunted game) or fish. Popular national dishes include chicken served in cream sauce with boiled plantain, grilled fish cooked [...]

  • Food in Kenya

    What do people eat in Kenya? Food in any country is influenced by its past. Period of occupation and colonialism will always bring new dishes imported to keep the recent immigrant arrivals happy, and Kenya is no exception. When the Portuguese arrived in the late 15th century, they introduced food like sweet potatoes, cassava and [...]

  • Food in Tunisia

    What do people eat in Tunisia? While eating food in Tunisia it doesn’t really matter how much your pocket weighs. In Tunisia, you can have the greatest tasting meals at paltry prices. To put it concisely, Tunisia can be a paradise for gourmets. Normally, you can order a hearty Tunisian meal at one of the [...]

  • Bartering in Kenya

    How to barter for better prices in Kenya I don’t like to think of myself as a nervous traveller. Wary and cautious perhaps but not nervous, but it was with some trepidation that I grabbed my towel and headed down to the beach outside my Nyali hotel for a swim. There were 3 very good [...]

  • Bus Taxi and Train Travel in Senegal

    Transportation in Senegal There are many modern transportation options available in Senegal, and travelers should not find them unfamiliar. Taxis, buses, and trains are the most common ways of getting around. Taxis There are a number of taxis in Dakar, and this is a relatively inexpensive and convenient way to get around the city. It [...]

  • Zimbabwe Border Crossing

    The southern African country of Zimbabwe is bordered by South Africa, Botswana, Zambia and Mozambique. It has crossable borders in the form of roads with all of these countries. Many travelers cross from Zambia to Zimbabwe to at Victoria Falls, to be able to better see the falls. The most common way is walking across [...]