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7 Smart Tips for Booking Accommodations

How to find the best hotel rooms when traveling.

Hotel room

Preparing for your next holiday is always an exciting time. You have likely spent time researching the destination and narrowing down your options to that one “perfect” spot for your holiday. But often just as important as the destination itself is your accommodations.

Fabulous accommodations can truly elevate your trip to the next level of satisfaction and enjoyment, just like poor accommodations can put a serious damper on your getaway. But how can you ensure you’re making smart choices when it comes to booking accommodations? Here we’ll take a look at a number of smart tips you can use when booking accommodations, no matter the destination.

Start with a Set Budget

A good place to start, before you even start browsing accommodation options, is with a set budget. Your budget alone will help to narrow down the options and make the process smoother.

List What Your Specific Needs and Wants Are

Now you can make a list of what your specific needs and wants are for your accommodations. Some of the items that may make the list include location, size of the room, how many occupants it holds, the amount of living/sitting space, whether it has a kitchenette or fully-equipped kitchen, what the room amenities are, and of course, what the property amenities are.

Again, it’s about making decisions in advance that will help narrow down your options.

Hotel room

Give Thought to Mattress Size

In order to have a comfortable sleep in your accommodations, it’s important to be mindful of the mattress size in the room. This is even more important if you will be sharing accommodations with other people, whether that means adults or kids. For example, knowing the difference between a twin and twin XL as Eachnight explains, can make a difference between a restful night’s sleep and one where you just can’t get comfortable.

How Close is the Property to the Airport?

If you will be arriving at your destination by air, then you may also want to consider how close the property is to the airport. While a half-hour to an hour commute may seem perfectly acceptable if it’s hours away, this is something you’ll want to know in advance.

Look Into the Cancellation Policy

In today’s day in age, this is just a smart thing for any traveler to do. Make sure you ask what the cancellation policy is, up to what point you can cancel, and what, if any, the fee is.

Can You Earn Any Loyalty Points?

With all the loyalty programs that exist today, it can also be a savvy thing to do to find accommodations that provide you with the most points possible. Whether that is some sort of traveler miles or points through a credit card, it’s just an added incentive that you can take advantage of.

Hotel room

Take Advantage of Booking Promotions and Deals

Throughout the year it’s also common for properties to offer booking promotions and deals. These can provide you with room rate discounts, a free night, or even free amenities like a free room upgrade, a free welcome basket, or free breakfast. It’s up to you to decide what promotions offer you the most value, and then keep your eyes open for those to be offered. It might be that you need to create an account with an operator or booking site to take advantage of better rates, but if you’re a frequent traveler, this shouldn’t be an issue and can get you even better prices.

As an added tip, these deals tend to be more readily available, and provide deeper discounts during that destination’s off-season months of travel.

Smart Tips Equal a Smart Traveler

By using these various tips to your advantage, you’ll be able to enjoy money savings and ensure you’re getting the best accommodations for your needs, wants, and expectations no matter where you travel to.


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Filed under: Travel Guide

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