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  • Ugandan Maids In Oman

    What life is like behind the gates.

  • Has China Exaggerated The “Leftover Women” Problem?

    Is China’s leftover woman problem really as big of a deal as it’s made out to be?

  • Zhuhai, China: The Vices of a Boom Town

    When booze, girls, and people from around the world with too much money come together in a SEZ boom town you get China’s take on Pattaya.

  • Women in China: Professional Gender Lines, Work, and Family

    An investigation into professional gender lines, the rise of salary women, the pressures of family role, and the “third gender.”

  • White Skin: A Chinese Obsession

    Skin tone shows class, not race, in China, as masses scamper to have the lightest color skin possible.

  • Women and Men in the Middle East

    Women and Men in the Middle East A young woman in hijab walked up to me in the streets of Aleppo and began talking. I was so taken aback by this act that I nearly dropped the falafel sandwich that I was eating. It had been a long time since another woman besides Chaya opened [...]

  • Travel With Me

    Travel with MeIt is my impression that it must be severely annoying to travel with me. I work a full day, I read a lot, and I take a lot of notes. I take photos of everything so that I can publish them and I put myself in situations that will potentially give me something [...]

  • Jocelyn Lieu Interview

    Jocelyn Lieu Interview: Another Concept of Journalism “If you are going after the news, you’re working 60 hours a week, you’re drinking hard. I think I burned out a little bit. But I took away the feeling that the news was useful. . . . I knew more and more of the truth but I [...]

  • Czech Republic Beautiful Women or Short Skirts

    According to legend, it is said that the Czech Republic has the most beautiful women in the world. But, after a first hand inspection of this legendary tale, I am unsure if the women of Czech Republic are exceptionally beautiful or if they just wear very, very short skirts.

  • Lady The Tramp.com Female Travel Guide

    Lady the Tramp.com Female Travel GuideMira, from the former Wanderjahr Jill Travel Blog, has now consolidated her efforts in a new project oriented towards sharing travel knowledge from a female perspective. This new site is called Lady the Tramp and is a travel blog full of ideas, tips, warnings, and suggestions written by female travelers [...]