Wild Coast: Travels on South America’s Untamed Edge by John Gimlette Review by Rich Poulter John Gimlette is a sometime Lawyer sometime Travel Writer and this is his fourth book but the first I have had pleasure of reading. He has been described as a “historian of the absurd” and is highly acclaimed by reviewers [...]
Wild Coast: Travels on South America’s Untamed Edge by John Gimlette
Review by Rich Poulter
John Gimlette is a sometime Lawyer sometime Travel Writer and this is his fourth book but the first I have had pleasure of reading. He has been described as a “historian of the absurd” and is highly acclaimed by reviewers and award givers alike. He also contributes to the Telegraph, Times and Guardian, and to specialist travel titles, including the Condé Nast Traveller and Wanderlust. This particular novel is available in paperback and Kindle edition.
Sometimes in the modern world you can feel like there isn’t anywhere new to go. After 10 minutes on Google you can have your fill of Thailand, Mexico, even Laos and your left wondering where can I go that everyone else in the hostel hasn’t been. Then I discovered this book and it really got me dreaming of distant far off lands and sticking pins in a world map.
I should first start by saying that this is not a travel book in the true sense of the genre. If your looking to find out the cost of a hotel room in the outback of Guyana or the cost of a coffee in Suriname then this is not the book for you.
If however you are looking for some inspiration for your next destination or just for an amazing read when your at home then this book is definitely one for your Amazon Wish List! John’s style of writing is truly fascinating and I hate to think of all the research he must put into a trip before he sets off. This book is packed full of the history of this strange corner of the world. As he travels from Guyana to Suriname and on to Guyane Française. From English colonials to Indian migrants and African slaves these countries are an eclectic mix of cultures and languages.
John’s method of writing really does make you feel like your on the ultimate guided tour as he moves from place to place giving you a wonderful insight into the lives of the inhabitants in this land that is a mix of Utopia and impenetrable jungle. The story of the slave trade and it’s revolts were a complete surprise to me as I was completely unaware of the all the history tucked up in this hidden region of the world.
[adsense]I really cannot recommend this book enough it really does leave you drooling with the thought of adventure and makes you seriously contemplate giving your credit card a major hammering. Although its not a book that you should make pack space for as guide it would be truly fascinating just to follow the path of this book hoping to bump into the characters John met which include rebels, outlaws and sorcerers.
So add it to your wish list now!
Available at Wild Coast: Travels on South America’s Untamed Edge
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About the Author: Rich Poulter
Rich Poulter has written 30 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.
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