Traveling and Morning Sickness in Sarajevo — From Serbia, Wade, myself, and the little fetus growing in my belly boarded a bus for Sarajevo. We left Belgrade at 10:30 at night, figuring we’d arrive in Sarajevo around 6 am. Traveling at night is one of our common strategies for saving money, since we don’t have [...]
Traveling and Morning Sickness in Sarajevo —
From Serbia, Wade, myself, and the little fetus growing in my belly boarded a bus for Sarajevo. We left Belgrade at 10:30 at night, figuring we’d arrive in Sarajevo around 6 am. Traveling at night is one of our common strategies for saving money, since we don’t have to pay for a hotel room for a night.
Chaya from
Sarajevo, Bosnia, Balkans, Europe — Spring 2009
Unfortunately we miscalculated the times and arrived in Sarajevo at 4 am, exhausted and cold. There were taxis and families waiting to pick up all the other travelers, but we decided to slip into the bus station for a couple hours before attempting to walk to the city.
Ticket less ride on the tram to Sarajevo
At around six we asked a ticket salesman whether the city was right or left, and then took off in the direction he pointed. We walked and walked and walked. There weren’t any sidewalks and trucks came zooming past us. We were the only ones walking. After about an hour I got frustrated. I hadn’t eaten, had barely slept and had no idea where the city was, all to save a couple dollars on taxi fare.
After a long walk and an unpaid tram ride we finally arrived in the Old City of Sarajevo. By this time the morning sickness had kicked in.
Child in Sarajevo
I’d discovered that to head off the nausea I had to eat first thing in the morning and then continuously eat little snacks throughout the day. If I didn’t eat on time then I would feel sick and not want to eat at all. Then Wade would get frustrated with me for not eating. Then I would get mad at Wade and not want to eat even more. It was a vicious cycle, much easier to avoid than remedy.
Sarajevo, luckily had a lot of bread pastries that were filled with a little spinach, cheese, potato or meat. They were cheap, quick, and it was an easy meal for a stomach to tolerate. I was pretty satisfied.
Wade was pretty satisfied, too.
Pastry in Sarajevo good for morning sickness
Restaruant sign for good pastries in Sarajevo
After a couple days, however, I was craving something more.
“Wade, I don’t think I’ve had fresh vegetables in two days,” I said. It can be a challenge to eat healthy on the road, on a tight budget, but I knew it was a necessity and had faith it could be done, even in Sarajevo in February.
So we began a quest for fresh vegetables. We went to three produce stands and it was growing dark before I saw them basking in the glow of a little lantern . . . broccoli!
I excitedly asked the price. I must have appeared a little too eager because the man wanted a million dollars for it. Wade bargained him down to half a million and we took our treasure back to the little hostel. In the bright light of the hostel, however, the broccoli did not look like such a prize.
At least half of it was moldy.
Moldy vegetables in Sarajevo Bosnia
We spent about 30 minutes cutting all the mold off, and in the process lost half our vegetable ration. But after a little steaming, a little butter, the baby and I enjoyed our nutrient rich feast.
Old city of Sarajevo, Bosnia
Traveling pregnant in the Balkans, what to do about morning sickness.
Read parallel travelogue entries from Wade at, Travel to Sarajevo Bosnia, Bosnian War Destruction, Balkan War
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About the Author: Chaya Shepard
After traveling on her own for three or four years, Chaya met up with Wade Shepard, the editor of They were married in 2009, and continue to travel the world together with their young daughter. From time to time Chaya blogs about family travel and life on the road. Chaya Shepard has written 102 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.
Chaya Shepard is currently in: Xiamen, China
December 14, 2009, 10:32 am
I wish I could get as excited as you about broccoli, blech! 🙂
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