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Website Construction

  • WordPress Blog Exceeds CPU Usage Allowance

    Bad news. I received the doomsday message that all webmasters fear this morning: Hello Wade, Our system administration team has been tracking high resource usage on the machine housing your account, and has traced a high amount of system load activity back to your Word Press sitevagabondjourney.com.  It appears that this site is causing your [...]

  • One Million Visitors to Vagabond Journey

    SUCHITOTO, El Salvador- For five years I have been blogging, for two and a half years I have been publishing on Vagabond Journey.com. Since November of 2007, I have worked daily on this website. I watched traffic grow from only a couple visitors a day, to twenty, to 100, to 500, a thousand, two thousand, [...]

  • Website Construction is Like Traveling

    The mental processes of running a large website are similar to the ones you use to travel. In fact, the hyper charged intake of impressions output of action that traveling demands daily is just about the same as running this site.

  • Virtual Private Server for Vagabond Journey.com

    Vagabond Journey.com will be moving to a new host today. If there are any delays or problems with accessing the site, it will probably be due to this. The changeover is suppose to be seamless, there should not be any downtime. I will be working on this today. We will be moving to a virtual [...]

  • WordPress Theme Upgrade Problems

    I thought we were in for it. I thought that this website had been ran through with a mean virus. Luckily, I thought wrong. On New Year’s Day I did a virus scan of my Wordpress theme template files. A few things came up. Some of them looked to be viruses. Though they had not [...]

  • New Vagabond Journey Travel Forum

    There is a new travel forum on Vagabond Journey.com at Travel Help Forum There was an attack at Vagabond Journey.com. An attack that we eventually buckled under the weight of. One of Chaya’s first major suggestions for Vagabond Journey.com — besides promptly letting me know everything on the site that looked stupid — was that [...]

  • A Big Day for Vagabond Journey.com

    A big day for Vagabond Journey.com — Yesterday, Vagabond Journey.com saw its first 2,000 visitor day and its 500,000th unique visitor. Two thousand people out there — somewhere — visited this website yesterday, and a half a million visited within the past two years. My wheels are beginning to take me to the place they [...]

  • Email Subscription Form Malfunction Fixed

    Email Subscription Box Repaired — I was curious why the previous email recipients of this travelogue seemed hesitant to resubscribe after I made the migration to Wordpress. But the reason for this has now been brought to my attention: Whenever someone tried to subscribe to the travelogue by email, they were transferred to the donation [...]

  • Wasted Morning with WordPress

    For approximately a half hour this morning I had this travelogue on Wordpress. Good going. No problems. Everything went smoothly. I simply published an index page with Wordpress to the same address as this travelogue with the attempt of leaving all of the Blogger generated pages right where they were — without altering anything. —————- [...]

  • Song of the Open Road on Vagabond Journey

    Song of the Open Road on Vagabond JourneyI just imported the Song of the Open Road Travel Blog, which intermittently represents my travels from 2004 to June 2008, to Vagabond Journey.com. I did this so that I have all of my posts on the same site.————–Wade from Vagabond Journey.com in Albion, New York State, USA- [...]