is now on a dedicated server under the care of Hostgator. The transfer process from Inmotion was a bit arduous and took the past three days to get everything up and running properly. This job is now finished, Vagabond Journey Travel has a new home, our very own dedicated server. A dedicated hosting service, [...] is now on a dedicated server under the care of Hostgator. The transfer process from Inmotion was a bit arduous and took the past three days to get everything up and running properly.
This job is now finished, Vagabond Journey Travel has a new home, our very own dedicated server.
A dedicated hosting service, dedicated server, or managed hosting service is a type of Internet hosting in which the client leases an entire server not shared with anyone. This is more flexible than shared hosting, as organizations have full control over the server(s), including choice of operating system, hardware, etc. –Dedicated hosting on Wikipedia
Dedicated hosting packages are expensive, and the costs of running this website are now greatly cutting into our earnings. The expense/ earnings ratio of this operation have just gotten a little closer. This was probably the worst time for us to allow for an increase in expenses — as I am truly going belly up financially — but it was a much needed move.
Shared hosting — and yes, VPS is shared hosting — was not doing it for us. We would push the server resources beyond their allowed capacity on whatever hosting company or shared/ VPS package we were on. This was a constant annoyance, and I have been finding my site shut off or otherwise inaccessible nearly every month for the past year and a half. This is an unacceptable way to run a business, to operate the gears that make me my living. This incessant downtime was also incredibly frustrating, requiring me to put vast amounts of time on the horn with the hosting company which would detract from my publishing output. I was searching for the impetus to switch hosting companies and move to a dedicated server for many months now, and the recent Inmotion hack provided this in full.
Now we have more bandwidth and storage space allowance to run 10 VagabondJourney.coms without problems. We are on the fast road now, there is nothing in our path from here to eternity — I can do ANYTHING with this site now.
This new found potential is riveting.
It was an arduous three days of transferring the site over which was not done without errors. If you find anything that is not working properly please let me know.
The only way I can continue my travels and publishing this blog is by generous contributions from readers. If you can, please subscribe for just $5 per month:NEWSLETTER
About the Author: VBJ
I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 93 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. VBJ has written 3728 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.
VBJ is currently in: Rome, Italy
October 2, 2011, 4:08 am
I’ve heard a lot of good things about hostgator and as a former GoDaddy employee, I’m glad you did not choose Godaddy for dedicated hosting.
It’s also a relief to hear that you finally have a reliable server and support, as longtime readers well know that you have been plagued for too long with unreliable hosting.
October 2, 2011, 5:20 pm
Hey Wade, can you share what dedicated hosting package you decided on? I’m curious for the day when (hopefully!) I can reach the level of traffic you have 🙂
October 2, 2011, 5:20 pm
Hi Wade
I’m interested to read about your hosting pushing your costs too high.
I have a Servint VPS, it costs $49 per month. I run a website that gets similar traffic to yours, based on your badge in your footer. I use aggressive caching that means that the website isn’t served from the database, but from files on the disk. I run this website and 80 others (low traffic) from a single VPS account without any troubles. It’s been running for a year on Servint now.Have you tried caching your Wordpress site? It will take a massive load off the server, and make your site really responsive.
April 4, 2012, 10:25 am
Im in the same boat as you
I currently have a shared hosting with inmotion but anytime i get more traffic they suspend my account – and VPS is too expensive with inmotion/ Im looking into Hostgator
How do you like them? Any problems?
I fear that it will be hard to transfer out all my domains from inmotion to hostgator
April 6, 2012, 1:05 pm
I continue to have a ridiculous amount of SSH problems with hostgator. I’m pondering a move to
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