Can I get an extension on my Schengen visa if I have a medical reason? Can I break my trip to Europe into multiple parts to avoid overstaying? Yes, you can break up the Schengen tourist visa into multiple trips. It is good for 180 days, but you only get 90 within the region. You [...]

Can I get an extension on my Schengen visa if I have a medical reason? Can I break my trip to Europe into multiple parts to avoid overstaying?
Yes, you can break up the Schengen tourist visa into multiple trips. It is good for 180 days, but you only get 90 within the region. You can enter and leave as many times as you want, just so your time within the region doesn’t add up to more than 90 days per 180 day visa.
About potentially having a high risk pregnancy, it is not my impression that this is a good excuse to overstay your visa in and of itself — unless, maybe, you were so far along or so unstable that you could not get on a plane. If you want to take the route of getting a doctor’s note saying that you need to stay in Europe, I would take them to the nearest immigration office and see what they could do for you (i.e. temporary residency permit). It could be possible if a medical professional says that you cannot fly and that, by doing so, the well being of a little French fetus would be put at risk.
It could work, but I can’t say that I have ever received a report of this happening before.
Please let me know what happens. Thanks!
Walk Slow,
Original question about overstaying Schengen visa do to pregnancy
I am in France and I’m a little worried because I got pregnant by my fiancee and I’m on a 90 day tourist visa exemption. (I hold US citizenship and he is French.) I go in for my first prenatal appointment next week and I’m 99% sure that it will be labeled a high risk pregnancy. I know people rarely get tourist visas extended, but with a very thorough doctor’s note to explain the situation, could that be possible? (Of course, if it’s not high risk, I will leave before my visa is up.)
Also, I was wondering if you could split the 90 days you can spend in Europe up on multiple trips (ex. stay in Europe for 80, fly back home for a month and go back to Europe for 9 days, then spend the rest of the remaining 60 days outside of Europe?) The US border patrol officer in the Minneapolis airport thought that was allowed but I just wanted to double check with you.
Thanks for the help
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About the Author: VBJ
I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 93 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. VBJ has written 3728 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.
VBJ is currently in: Rome, Italy
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