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Vayama Thanksgiving Cheap Flights to Europe are for Real

I must admit that when I opened the email from a media rep at Vayama.com promoting their Thanksgiving airfare deals from the USA to Europe I was not expecting to do much more with it than give it a a quick boot into the trash. This is a news site, we don’t run commercial announcements [...]

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I must admit that when I opened the email from a media rep at Vayama.com promoting their Thanksgiving airfare deals from the USA to Europe I was not expecting to do much more with it than give it a a quick boot into the trash. This is a news site, we don’t run commercial announcements here. But I read the email, and decided to take the press rep up on her challenge.

Hi Wade,

Typical airfare this Thanksgiving is at an all time high with people paying 10 to 25 percent more for a ticket then in years past. Vayama is announcing last minute Thanksgiving European airfare deals that compare to the cost of flying across the country. Would you like to take a look?

Vayama, the only online travel agency that is uniquely focused on international travel, has identified several cities in Europe that are great for last minute international travel this Thanksgiving for people who want to travel across the pond without breaking the bank.

The experts at Vayama are happy to provide you with airfare prices from a specific city, insights into the best days to purchase your ticket before the holiday to get the best deal and specific airlines to avoid due to high luggage fees.

I am happy to provide you with the list of destinations along with any other additional international travel information you may need. Please let me know and I am happy to arrange.

So you can provide me a list of your company’s cheap flights, eh?

I run a travel news site, I get bombarded with hundreds of press releases and media inquiries from companies wanting me to promote their airline, hotel, tour . . . Emails, in fact, just like the one that the Vayama rep sent me above. I usually don’t think twice about chucking these emails out of my email before I even read them, but for some reason the tone of this one bugged me.

“Ok,” I replied, “if those deals are as good as you say they are we will run an article about them.”

The challenge was thus put.

The media rep responded quickly with their deals:

1- Istanbul: Celebrate Turkey Day in Turkey. From $573 roundtrip total.

2-London: Visit the Mayflower pub in London; built on the quay where the Mayflower set sail for America in 1620 (with a stopover in Plymouth to pick up more pilgrims). From $618 roundtrip total.

3-Amsterdam: Holland was the first refuge of the English Pilgrims escaping persecution back home. From $608 roundtrip total

4-Paris: The French revolution inspired revolt in the American colonies, paving the way to the Revolutionary wars and the founding of the United States of America. From $625 roundtrip total.

5-Rome: The new American Republic took a lot of ideas from the Roman Republic. From $596 roundtrip total. http://www.vayama.com/travel-deals/new-york-to-rome/

I checked them out, expecting to be able to reply with a particularly terse email calling the media rep’s bluff, but I couldn’t:

The prices checked out, the deal was legit. I went through the process of booking a round trip ticket from New York City to Istanbul, and the final price that peered back at me was, I must say, inviting:

$551. Better than the price quoted.

Round trip airfare from NYC to Istanbul for $551


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Filed under: Air Travel

About the Author:

I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 91 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. has written 3723 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.

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VBJ is currently in: New York City

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