These past two months have seen a few major transitions at We’ve continued on our established path of being less of a travel site and more of a resource/ research site that focuses on news, current events, culture, geography and ecological issues. A vagabond geographic, so to speak. Travel is love affair with the world [...]
These past two months have seen a few major transitions at We’ve continued on our established path of being less of a travel site and more of a resource/ research site that focuses on news, current events, culture, geography and ecological issues. A vagabond geographic, so to speak. Travel is love affair with the world — its people, landscapes, ecosystems, and wildlife — and we’re working hard daily at towards providing more in-depth glimpses into the state of this planet today, as seen from the ground up.
Can’t do this alone
Throughout the years, has had many great writers, journalists, and researchers come through and share their talents. Over the past two months, two authors have really contributed outstanding work in particular. One is Tiffany Zappulla, who completely took on the South Korea travel guides solo, penned an article on this travelogue, and authored a featured story on top of that. The other is CJ Toth, who contributed a number of travel guides from all over Europe and Africa. Both contributors really excelled over the past two months, and we wanted to let them know that we appreciate all their hard work. currently has the following internships available:
1- Environmental issues correspondent.
1- Wildlife/ extinction alert/ new species researcher and correspondent.
As many as possible- Correspondents from various regions/ countries of the world.
We are mostly looking for journalism students, journalists, or writers who are use to working on a deadline for these positions. These are serious internships and should not be approached as something to be done when spare time allows. The minimum commitment is three months. Tutoring and advising is provided for students. If needed, work evaluations/ references will be provided upon request.
If interested, contact Wade at vagabondsong [at]
There is a new homepage on, and I have to say that for the first time ever I’m happy with it. The homepage how has everything that is going on in the site on it, so this is the place to go to find new articles, guides, and blog posts. Please use this page when you enter the site, as the content is now being distributed to many different sections — not just this travelogue. There is still a lot of work to be done on it, so watch for more changes coming soon.
Narrative and editorial blog
The focus of is going in a more geographic/ culture/ ecology direction more and more each month. Typically, around 50% of the articles on this travelogue were “about the world/ geographic” type pieces, around 25% were travel instruction and guides, and the remaining 25% were personal narrative/ thoughts/ ideas. Now each type of article has its own section.
Since early 2009, we’ve been publishing destination guides and travel information in the travel guides section — which is now growing into maturity. Travel tips will stay in this section for now, but may soon have their own home. The narrative and more personal pieces have been moved from this section of the site to an independent arena. If you want to follow the day to day explorations, thoughts, and experiences of myself and my family, go to
There is a reason why newspapers and magazines have different sections for different topics/ article types, and the experience of 7 years of internet publishing has taught me this.
Featured articles
There is now a weekly featured article on These articles are often the results of in-depth study and investigation. There will continue to be links to the feature article of the week in the sidebar of this section of the site, as well as a link on the homepage.
Feature articles for November, 2011:
Snorri Helgason: the New Face of Folk Music
Gobekli Tepe: the Fall of the Nomad the Rise of Agriculture
One Culture, One Border, Two Very Different Societies: the Future of the Korean Peninsula
Life Working in the Informal Economy of Colombia
Travel Gear
Rich Poulter has been at it again, reviewing the best travel gear the manufacturers of this world have to offer. This past month Rich has been reviewing travel/ outdoor/ adventure fleeces. His testing methods and reports are astounding. Check out who won our fleece test!
Your comments are important to us here at We want to hear what you have to say, we want you to be a part of the discourse of this publication. But since I began offering parts of the site as a full feed and email digest, on-site participation has plummeted. It seems as if most long term readers who were once diligent commentators are now just reading in their email and are not clicking over to the site. This was a trend that I noticed immediately when I first offered the full feed option prior to traveling in Iceland. While the popularity of a blog should NOT be measured by comment number (many large top travel blogs like rarely get more than a comment or two per page) it is great for the community here who visits the site regularly to have a lively discourse taking place. So often people tell me that one of their favorite parts of the site are the conversations that take place in the comments, and not having this in exchange for a full content feed is not a good trade off. It can’t just be me talking here. Please leave comments, they really help the site and are truly appreciated.
Talking about support, there are many things that you can do to help As we are generally always struggling to get by here — especially now that we are paying nearly $200 per month in server fees alone! — reader support is a must for us to keep our heads above water. Good thing there are many things that you can do help. First, we ask for a collective $150 per month in reader contributions. If everyone who reads this site contributed $1 per week, our financial woes would be a thing of the past. But this is not really going to happen, so if a handful of readers could keep an eye on the donation meter in the sidebar and help out from time to time this would be greatly appreciated.
There are also other ways to offer support without making a financial contribution. Clicking through our links each time you buy from them would be a great help over here. We receive a portion of the proceeds of Amazon sales that we refer at no additional expense to you. There are Amazon affiliate links throughout the site, but most visibly on the homepage and on the index of this travelogue. Keep this in mind when doing your Christmas shopping this year! Also, simply linking to our homepage or to specific articles on from your own site or blog also helps out a ton. Another thing you can do that costs nothing is to download the Alexa extension for your web browser. This is one of the major ways that websites are ranked the “prominence” of a website determined. If you have the Alexa extension activated in your tool bar, each time you go to a site you essentially “vote” for it in the global rankings. As far as usage, I use this extension daily when determining the authority of the sites I visit.
Travel with Children Tips
My wife, Chaya, put up some great tips this past month:
How to self cater for a family while living in hostels
Baby clothes transcend class structure
San Cristobal de las Casas is a great budget travel family destination
How to stop motion sickness in children when traveling
RSS feed now has a global RSS feed. This is a single feed for all the different sections of the site delivered in one package. You can subscribe by RSS or by email to receive everything published each day in a single digest.
Vagabond Explorer magazine
Vagabond Explorer Magazine is on an extended hiatus. A magazine in PDF format is clearly not something that readers currently desire. A print version is in the cards, but we are trying to build up the enthusiasm for doing it. In point, to start up a magazine requires tons of PR and promotion BS which I am not willing to do. I am a writer, not a salesman. Most marketing tactics and strategies generally make me sick, and, to be honest, I am not going to partake in an action that would make myself vomit. I am not going to blow smoke up your ass, now or ever. Vagabond Explorer failed in part because I am not going to BS you into buying something. You are too smart for this, and I respect that.
We returned to San Cristobal de las Casas in Chiapas, Mexico and stayed here all month. We are living cheap and trying to rebuild our beaten and battered travel funds. The projection is to remain here until March, and then jump across seas to China or Indonesia. I want to go on a solo journey through East Africa at some point soon, but finances are not revealing this to be a possibility.
Our funds are lower than they have ever been since starting out on our family travels. In fact, I have not had such a meager amount of money backing me since 2002. Not good. But we are trying to get back on top of things. We are living within our means here in Chiapas and restructuring the site into something that could bring in more earnings. Reader contributions are perhaps needed more now than ever.
The only way I can continue my travels and publishing this blog is by generous contributions from readers. If you can, please subscribe for just $5 per month:NEWSLETTER
About the Author: VBJ
I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 93 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. VBJ has written 3729 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.
VBJ is currently in: Rome, Italy
December 1, 2011, 1:07 am
Hey Wade,
Sjeesj man… As a regular reader for years now, I was mostly interested in , and aware of what is now, “Wade’s Blog”…
I can only say – “F’n Impressive, man!” I’m totally blown away by what you have accomplished. I even feel kinda proud to have shared this journey to an extend with you over the years by following the blog!
2 suggestions:
1) VJ is going to go big… I can see it happening… Your passion just won’t have it any other way. So – suggestion 1) Why don’t you allow regular readers/interested parties to buy a share in VJ with donations? This way I’ll feel as if I’m investing in you, which might make people more willing to do so? 🙂 (I’ll take an extra 1% share for the suggestion, hehe)
I’m sure with a carefully thought out scheme, like you owning 51%, and 49% being available to be shared fairly between contributors according to your discretion would allow you to grow this baby into the wondrous sitezilla it should be. Let me know if you want to exchange ideas around this. Maybe even I can start contributing something except the occasional $ or 2?Suggestion 2) Reading your site had me thinking… The written material here is of the highest quality in its class… Though even so, the occasional typo slips through. Is there any way you can allow readers to also be your proofreaders? To allow me to in effect highlight and suggest a correction on any/all written material on VJ? This might become especially handy as material outside your own grows?
Anyways… You go man. And all of the best in this amazing endeavor of yours.
Dave -
December 2, 2011, 3:51 am
Hmm. Points taken. Interesting to hear the operational/real side of things.
If you were able to capitalize the site, hire the writers you need, have scalable hardware backing, and marketing funds (of the non-puke-enducing kind:), what would the possible growth in pageviews/advertising revenue be?
I’m talking out of my neck here. Don’t have a clue about the realities of your mission, but just wondering. 🙂
Whats your current stats like? Pageviews relative to advert revenue, or whats the metric?
And when does a site reach ‘critical mass’, so to speak? When other big players like the sites who sell airline tickets, etc, would like to advertise/otherwise partner with your site?
Sorry for the 20 questions! 😉 But interesting stuff, and thanks for the reply so far!
Walk slow 🙂
Dave -
December 2, 2011, 5:05 pm
Hey Wade, Just a thought about that typo comment. Is it possible to add some type of plug-in that allows readers to point out typo’s? Kind of like a Wikipedia idea where readers are able to add to an article. In your case I wouldn’t want readers changing what you write but is there a way to just have some type of comment feature where readers can point out an error? If you agree with the change you could approve it and have it updated in the article without you going in and changing it. That way it could be more like an active editing\feedback feature that wouldn’t necessarily be left as a comment for everyone to see?
Given the way the Wordpress post editor is set-up I’m not aware of anything like that but just throwing out a possible idea that could give readers some grammatical\editing power with limited hassle to you once it’s set-up.
December 6, 2011, 1:42 am
Hehe. Cheers to the new proofreader!
Well Wade, that surely puts VJ in perspective. Amazing.
All of the best wishes for you and the family. 🙂 I also hope the income part sorts itself well out… So you can walk slow… Even further. 😉
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