This website is a full time job. If I do it well there is little to no time for any other project. For the past two years I’ve been trying to work on some books in tandem with, but it simply doesn’t work. To do one I must slack on the other. Nobody will [...]
This website is a full time job. If I do it well there is little to no time for any other project. For the past two years I’ve been trying to work on some books in tandem with, but it simply doesn’t work. To do one I must slack on the other. Nobody will ever gain true respect or accomplishment as a blogger alone. The best we can aim for is a meager living and press trips. I’ve nailed the former and have no interest in the latter. I’ve accomplished my goals as a webmaster — I make a living from this website — but the fruits of success are not nearly as sweet as those of a new challenge. I will be working on a book over the next months and will drop my blogging regiment down to one article per week. I’ve put together a team of great writers though to keep the site going. Thanks for all the support over the years. Hopefully I can round this next corner.
The only way I can continue my travels and publishing this blog is by generous contributions from readers. If you can, please subscribe for just $5 per month:NEWSLETTER
About the Author: VBJ
I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 91 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. VBJ has written 3723 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.
VBJ is currently in: New York City
March 15, 2012, 2:35 am
Best of success , Wade.
Any clues as to what the books is going to be about? Drop us some hints man! Build anticipation! Curiosity! That sort of thing.. 😉
You know – many of us, your readers, feel kind of a personal connection to you and family through your writings over the years… Can’t you now and again just make a small, 5 minute personal post about whats up with you and family? Not well written or edited or shit. Just a quick hello and update about what’s up and how its going with you guys…
I know its asking something for nothing, but hey! I’ll buy your book, okay? 😉
March 15, 2012, 6:11 am
I believe you are making a good decision, providing you do not partner up with wanna be writer. There are two ways to write, the number one, 99.99 percent of writers just want fame and money, and will write anything to get that. The 1 in a 1000 wants to say something they believe needs said.
I am painfully aware that people who read travel Blogs, or anything about Travel are mainly interested in being entertained. They travel only for the debauchery of travel, to take a vacation, to be one of the mindless Facebook posters. I love to travel, but I am the one in 10,000 who love culture, and for sure my readers are only interested in the petty.
I believe a book can take a writer like you and allow you to rise above the temptation to write petty stuff to entertain readers.
Please write a book to entertain you, to tell you what you believe is needed, and I will read over your shoulder. Please do not try to entertain me, or any or your readers, tell us what you know we need to read, not what we want to read.
I am sure there is pressure to make money, having a child and wife is a great way to marry pressure.
My hope is always a writer writes something they believe is needed, and accidentally makes money with what they wrote. I know I can pander to an audience, entertain them, that is again petty. Money will come and go, I know I will always survive, eat, and feed myself.
Be wary of anyone who wants to ride on your writing skills, any partner is normally a person who is too lazy to work themselves. I am 100 percent sure that Wade Shepard works a lot.
Andy Graham
March 15, 2012, 9:33 pm
Hi Wade.
Greetings from Cambodia (back to China, tomorrow). And what about you/family ? Still heading towards China ?
As for the book, why not. Good luck.
I agree with Andy; some sound advice. Write for yourself – not the bland sheep market, but I sure you realize this.
I have been meaning to get a book out for years – well before blogging I wrote two full manuscripts in the early 1990s – but have let them sit around til now but I intend to get them into digital book format, one day …
Regards – Michael
March 18, 2012, 7:47 am
Great. Am now in Shanghai – for a week of “training” (drinking); very nice hotel – paid by company but will be in Hangzhou to “start work” (continue drinking) by next week.
See ya when I see ya – hell it’ll be great to meet up (and get drunk … well, a handful of beers, as I’m looking at introducing some moderation into my life soon … for few months anyway).
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