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  • A Year Passes In China This Is The Longest I Have Been Based In One Country Since 2000

    I watched a woman flattening hay on the side of the road in Taizhou and it struck me as a familiar scene. In the early summer of each year the farmers of eastern China all harvest their winter hay and before bailing it thry lay it out in the road and beat it flat with [...]

  • The Sights Of China: Whipping Tops

    The parks of China often start filling at 6AM. By eight, they are a fury of elderly people doing tai-chi, calisthenics, dancing, and walking backwards. I met a group of old men who were whipping spinning tops in the big, spacious, and nearly deserted central park of Xinyang’s Shanyang new area. All around us were [...]

  • Helpful People And Efficient Public Transportation Makes China A Breeze For Travel

    3,000km, five locations of interest, 7 provinces, 2 provincial level municipalities, 8 days, sleeping on trains, reporting from a bicycle, investigating China’s ghost cities. I’m currently at the halfway point of this tour, and what I’ve found is perhaps more intriguing than any city without people could be. But I won’t offer a spoiler here, [...]

  • Chunyun, The Largest Human Migration In The World, Has Begun

    Chūnyùn (春运), China’s Spring Festival travel season, where the country sees over 2 billion journeys within a 40 day period, has begun. Starting 15 days before the lunar new year, people all around China rush home to be with their families for the holiday. As the people of this country have now been scattered all [...]

  • Travel Plan: Bicycle to Dantu Ghost City

    Early tomorrow morning I should be getting on my fold-out bicycle and peddling from Taizhou to Dantu, which is a district of Zhenjiang, on the south side of the Yangtze River. A 70 kilometer trip — not bad. My estimated time of departure is 5 AM, and I aim to be there around nine, but [...]

  • The Sights of China: Older People in Parks Playing With Yo-Yos

    You can often hear a whirling, buzzing sound while walking through the parks of China. It sounds like a cross between an angry hive of bees, crickets at dusk, and someone tuning in an old radio. It come from people playing with Chinese yo-yos, or Kongzhu, the precursor to the diabolo. Kongzhu are essentially just [...]

  • Personal Space in China: If There’s a Free Space, Take it

    Personal space becomes common property in crowded China.

  • Mobile Version of Travel Blog and Guides

    VagabondJourney.com has now going mobile. Finally. This travel blog and our travel guides now have mobile versions that can be accessed on pretty much all smart phones and tablets. Take a look and let me know what you think. Thanks.

  • International Bars in China

    Expat or international bars are a relatively new thing in China. In them cultures from all over the world mesh together as young people drink and party.

  • Teach English in China

    China is among the brightest beacons for foreign English teachers in the world. Over 400 million people are currently studying English in China, hundreds of thousands of foreign teachers, and there are literally thousands of jobs on offer at any given time. In point, if you’re a native English speaker, have a university degree, have [...]