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Write of Your Travels Tip

Traveller Tip 1- Write, Write, Write of Your Travels July 14, 2007 As I have stepped off of The Road for a few moments to visit my family I have had the chance to dig through some of my old travel notebooks, and in doing so I have realized how much I appreciate them. I [...]

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Traveller Tip 1- Write, Write, Write of Your Travels
July 14, 2007

As I have stepped off of The Road for a few moments to visit my family I have had the chance to dig through some of my old travel notebooks, and in doing so I have realized how much I appreciate them. I began travelling in the summer of 1999 after getting kicked out of high school, and I consequently began keeping a journal at this time as well. In the beginning I though that I was something special, so I wrote alot and in the mimicry of other writers whom others regard as being “special.” As time progressed and my exposure to the world grew, I realized that I am not so hot after all, and the frequency of my writing subsequently decreased. But now, as I look through some of those early notebooks, I realize that I truly enjoy them.

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So much of what I wrote, and thought at the time I would never forget, has unexpectedly passed through the grips of memory. To read of little forgotten adventures is to relive them. It is to have them again. A traveller’s pockets are empty in all aspects- when it comes down to it, all that we have is what we remember. The accumulation of immpressions, experiences, and feelings that makes up the substance of our memories is what makes us the wealthiest people on the planet. To sit on a far-flung dusk time beach and day dream of past adventures is to be a king. Writing increases the boudaries of our kingdom.



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Filed under: Travel Tips, Travel Writing

About the Author:

I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 91 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. has written 3723 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.

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