Israelis Travel Through a Hostile World Israeli culture is one part Arab (basically) one part European Jew (basically). Within the past century Jews from North Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and the USA convened together in the biblical lands and Israel was created. A new culture was formed in the process. Hebrew was resurrected from [...]
Traveler Culture
Lying, Cheating, and Backpacking Around the World
FINCA TATIN, Guatemala- A group of four young French backpackers came into the Finca Tatin. We picked them up in Livingston, they rode our boat to the hotel, everything was normal. My wife, Chaya, gave them an introduction to the finca, she requested that they mark the price of the boat ride on their tab. [...]
Are Israelis Rude or Am I a Wimp?
Navigating Culture – Are They Rude Or Am I a Wimp? My mother would tell me to remember my manners and to be polite before venturing off to a friend’s home. She did not want my animal side to come out and embarrass her, she did not want me to seem uncultured. Throughout all my [...]
Backpacking is Dead
Back Packing is Dead – Long Live the Backpacker The face of backpacking is changing. During the past eight or nine years that I have been traveling, I have noticed a stark evolution in the world’s backpacking infrastructure, the local businesses who cater to backpackers, and even in the backpackers themselves. Backpacking has become yet [...]