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Travel to Latin America

Travel to Latin America I should be leaving for Central America on Saturday- getting back to the grindstone. Walking down that long, winding Road. I am flying from JFK through Mexico City and into San Jose, Costa Rica. I do not want to be in Costa Rica for very long- I hope to go down [...]

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Travel to Latin America

I should be leaving for Central America on Saturday- getting back to the grindstone. Walking down that long, winding Road. I am flying from JFK through Mexico City and into San Jose, Costa Rica. I do not want to be in Costa Rica for very long- I hope to go down to Panama and stick my nose around for a couple of days almost immediately upon arrival. There is just something about Costa Rica that I do not really care for. I think it has an inordinate amount of goons, and far too many people striving for excess. It just seems like a place where people try very hard to have a good time. It reminds me of Vietnam for some reason.

I have a month long archaeology commitment in Nicaragua that begins in February, so I have a plan to get out of Costa Rica. In March, I think that I may have another archaeology project that I can get on in Honduras, which I would like to do for another month. After this, I think that I may be ready to get away from physical work for awhile and keep traveling north through Guatemala, El Salvador, Belize, and southern Mexico before catching a flight to Columbia.

From Columbia I would like to go east through Venezuela, the three little molar looking countries- Guyana, Surinam, and French Guiana- and then skip into Brazil with a big smile on my face, travel up and back down the Amazon, circumambulate the coast, cut across and run in to Paraguay (well, why not? It is there).

I have not yet been to Brazil, but it seems like a good country to take my shirt off in and hang my hat for a while. I have never heard a traveler mention a harsh word about this country before. After Brazil, I think I may want to stop in on Paraguay and say hi, get out fast and go to Bolivia for a good, long stay. Then maybe I will go up to Lima to get a flight out to a new part of the world.

Estimated time for these travels: 1 year.

But then again . . . A plan that is made, is made to be broken.



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Filed under: Central America, South America

About the Author:

I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 91 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. has written 3723 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.

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VBJ is currently in: New York City

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  • maria August 3, 2011, 1:29 pm

    going to brazil? ….bring loads of cash…its the most expensive country in latin america…much more expensive than most european countries, usa, canada…prepare to receive bad services and low quality products and pay high prices. welcome to brazil

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    • Wade Shepard August 3, 2011, 1:33 pm

      Hello Maria,

      This page was published over three and a half years ago, and I’ve traveled the route on the top map two times since. But I am again traveling to South America and will take your advice about Brazil into consideration. Thanks!

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