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Transportation from Sosua to Puerto Plata Dominican Republic

Introduction to Transportation from Sosua to Puerto Plata It is very easy to get between Sosua and Puerto Plata on the north coast of the Dominican Republic. These towns are 25 km apart and it takes a little over a half hour to travel between them. How to travel from Sosua to Puerto Plata To [...]

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Introduction to Transportation from Sosua to Puerto Plata

It is very easy to get between Sosua and Puerto Plata on the north coast of the Dominican Republic. These towns are 25 km apart and it takes a little over a half hour to travel between them.

How to travel from Sosua to Puerto Plata

To travel to Puerto Plata from Sousa you can either take a gua-gua (a minibus), a public taxi, or a private taxi.


All three forms of transport can be found on the south edge of Sosua on the main highway (rt 5) that goes across the north of the Dominican Republic.

To take a gua-gua just stand on the north side of this road and travel west. The minibus will stop and pick you up.

Where to find public taxis in Sosua

To take a public taxi (publico) you can either go to the taxi stand or wait on the western edge of town and flag down a taxi that has a triangular sign on its roof. To find the taxi stand just walk down the main north/ south road of Sosua (where Rocky’s and the Irish pub are located) south. You will soon come to a highway with a lot of traffic. Walk across the street and you will find a taxi stand with taxis and drivers all over the place.

Do not listen to the taxi drivers who walk up to you as you approach the taxi stand. They will try to take you as a private customer and charge you lots of money. Rather, walk up to the first taxi that is in a line that has a driver and other passengers sitting inside. If you are unsure if you are in a public taxi ask, “Publico?” and somebody will let you know.

Also be sure to confirm the price. It should be between 30 and 40 pesos.


The price of travel from Sosua to Puerto Plata depends on how you want to travel.

Gua-gua: 25 – 30 Pesos

The minibus conductors will attempt to charge you 200 pesos per person for this ride, do not pay this much. Get on the bus and pay between 25 to 30 pesos.

Public taxi or Publico: 40 pesos

A publico should charge around 40 pesos.

Private taxi: expensive

I never tried to take a public taxi between these towns, but a driver once quoted me a price of 700 pesos. However much it costs, it is vastly more than a gua-gua or a public taxi.

Map of Sosua

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Photos of transportation from Sosua to Puerto Plata Domincan Republic

A gua gua in the Dominican Republic

Inside of a gua gua

Public taxi in the Domincan Republic

Inside of crowded public taxi in the Dominican Republic


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Filed under: Dominican Republic

About the Author:

I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 93 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. has written 3728 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.

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