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Top Destinations For Crappie Fishing In The US

Where the crappie fishing isn’t very crappy.


What could be a more exciting adventure for an angler than a trip to a spot dedicated to crappie fishing? There are many interesting places in the US where this panfish is aplenty, and you can stave your appetite for catching such a frisky fish, and then enjoy it tumbled through batter and fried in grease.

Many lakes might have crappies along with other fish species, but for an abundant population, certain conditions must be met. Crappie loves to have plenty of cover and thrives when there’s enough food to go around. Also, extensive fishing might make it disappear, which is why anglers are recommended to release some of them.

Lake of the Woods

This large lake is placed between Minnesota and Ontario and offers plenty of opportunities to fish crappie. Its overall surface totals one million acres, and the best thing about it is the presence of around 12,000 small islands that are basically patches of land that create the most loved cover that lets crappies thrive.

Catching two-pound crappie is nothing out of the ordinary here, and you will surely leave home with plenty of it to cook. All you need is to learn about some delicious recipes that will help you enjoy the fish you caught even more.

Grenada Lake

Travel to Mississippi if you are bent on catching some crappie. Part of the three lakes that make the flood control reservoirs along the majestic river, Grenada Lake is considered one of the hottest destinations at the moment.

Expect some sizable trophies, as the lake is well-known for the giant slabs you can catch here. Experts swear by bass crankbaits for excellent results, and trolling the edge of the channel for the biggest fish.

Deep Creek Lake

Another star destination for crappie fishing is Deep Creek Lake, located in Maryland. Across the US, anglers know this place as one where you will surely catch enough fish and won’t leave home empty-handed.

In case you have in mind to get a trophy fish, this is the place to go. The population here is not as high as in other lakes, but the size of the ones you can catch is superior. Three-pound fish are not that uncommon, and they often measure at least 13 inches in length.

Reelfoot Lake

Should you ever plan a trip to Tennessee, don’t forget to go fishing for crappie at this top destination. Reelfoot Lake appeared on the map between 1811-1812 after a series of earthquakes caused the land to sink and let a large portion of marshlands become flooded.

As you might suspect, the lake is not deep, but it is filled with stumps, timber, and other vegetation that creates that particular environment that crappie loves so much.

Lake Eufaula

Find this perfect crappie spot in Oklahoma, another shallow lake – compared to others – where you can successfully get enough fish to satisfy your appetite. As for the right tactic to apply when you fish here, veterans recommend trolling as the unbeatable way to catch as much crappie as you want.

Lake Fork

For Texans, it is a well-known fact that Lake Fork is the ideal spot for catching crappie. The under water structures that exist in this lake create the conditions that help these fish thrive. Don’t expect too much challenge, but do expect to have a lot of fun, and to catch with ease the maximum number of fish allowed.

Weiss Lake

Another state where you will find crappie is Alabama, and the number one spot is Weiss Lake. You might have heard of it as ‘The Crappie Capital of the World’, so you might go there with high expectations. What you should know is that its popularity was a drawback during the recent years and that the population of crappie suffered losses.

However, it is not impossible to find two-pound and three-pound fish here if you use crankbaits dutifully, as well as live bait.


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