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Top 4 Hunting Destinations for Hunting Lovers

Where to go to hunt deer.

There are approximately 30 million deer in the United States right now. With the right conditions, the deer population doubles every two years. On an annual basis deer hunters kill approximately six million deer each hunting season. All but a handful of states have a bountiful deer population. In lieu of the foregoing, one might ask, why would deer hunters need to travel to other states to hunt deer?

Understanding the answer to that question lies in understanding why deer hunters hunt. Sure, they love the taste of the meat. However, every deer hunter dreams of getting the chance to capture that trophy buck at least one time in their life.

We know that different hunters have different criteria for what they consider the ideal hunting location. We’ve taken into consideration factors such as the available area for hunting, the number of hunters present, as well as the state’s requirements for nonresidents to hunt in their state. With that in mind, we have compiled the top four hunting destinations for deer hunters in the United States. Our goal is to make it easier for you to find the best destination for deer hunting.


Wisconsin has built a reputation as being the go-to place for trophy bucks. Over the past decade, according to Boone and Crockett, Wisconsin has produced in excess of 700 trophies.

In late November, Wisconsin has a 90 day gun deer hunt season. September and October are the months for archery and crossbow hunters. Hunters find the most success in the Central Farmland zone, including Waupaca, Marathon, and Shawano counties.

Buffalo County has long been considered one of the best deer hunting counties in the country. In 1973 a 253 point buck made trophy records. In 2012, more than 80 Whitetail deer made the record books of Boone and Crockett. And things have not slowed down since then.


Texas has the reputation for having the biggest of everything in the United States. The state lives up to its reputation when it comes to hunting deer. Texas is known for having big bucks and for having a large total population of deer. This is why every single year more than a million deer hunting licenses are sold.

You might think that with so many hunters out there, you would run out of places to hunt. But remember that Texas is 695,662 km². To put that in perspective, in Texas you have room to fit France, Switzerland, and still have room to spare. Let’s not forget that Texas has 1.6 million acres of public land available for hunting. The point is that even with a large number of hunters there is more than enough room for everyone.

Each year, hunters nab approximately 600,000 deer. Many of these are trophy worthy.


You might be surprised to see Georgia on this list. However, over the years there has been a marked increase in the quality of Whitetail hunting. Georgia is blessed with a high buck density. The state has dedicated three percent of its land to public hunting. On average hunters can expect a 55 percent success rate.

Georgia owes its improvement in deer hunting to improved management practices as well as selective hunter harvest. The result has been an increase in buck age class deer as well as an overall increase in the population. The herds of deer in Georgia are healthier and better balanced now than in years past.

If you are looking for a trophy buck, your best bet is hunting in Southwest Georgia. Many have had success along the Flint River basin. A mixture of good genetics and good agricultural areas has led to a healthy buck population. Not to be overlooked are the big bucks that live in and around the Atlanta metro area. The metro area of Atlanta has a nice mixture of urban and suburban landscapes. This makes it easier for smart bucks to hide in plain sight.


During the fall, Minnesota becomes awash in orange as hunters spread out through the agricultural fields in Southern Minnesota and through the forests in the north. The opportunities to target Whitetail deer abound in Minnesota.

Minnesota has millions of acres of federal and state land that are available for anyone to use. Whether you are looking to hunt in Brainerd, Alexandria, Grand Rapids, Bemidji, and many other places, there are more than 1.3 million acres of area available to you, much of which is good for deer hunting.

Annually, hunters nab anywhere between 150,000 and 200,000 deer. There is a variety of terrain open for hunting. For example, if you hunt in Marshall or Fairmont, you will have grasslands and prairies. If you’re looking for thicker woods, head north and visit Grand Marais and Hibbing.

The nice thing about all of the available public land for hunting in Minnesota is that everyone has access to it. But this could also be a downfall. We recommend walking as far away from the road as possible. Most hunters stay within a few hundred yards of the road. So the farther out you go, the less competition you will have.

Why Now Is a Great Time to Start Hunting

Americans are getting out in nature more than in previous years. Annually, 16 million people will hunt in one form or another. Tourists visiting from other states or other countries make up a good portion of the hunting population. There is no indication that the numbers will dwindle anytime soon.

Technology has made hunting easier and more enjoyable. You can easily go online and purchase the equipment you need, ranging from ammunition to protective gear to the top range bags available on the market today. Hunting tools, including bows, binoculars, rifles, and other gadgets that once used to be difficult to use, have been redesigned to be user-friendly. High end scopes have taken hunting to the next level. Smart phones and mobile cameras have made it easier for hunters to communicate with each other, send photographs, and increase the chance of having a successful hunt.

Are you an avid hunter? Are there locations in your state or locations you’ve traveled to that you think deserve to be on our list? If so, let us know in the comments section below.


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