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The Ultimate Packing List For Solo Travelers 

What you need when going traveling by yourself.

Tourist with suitcase

The sense of freedom that solo traveling gives you is unrivaled, the freedom of choice to go where you want and do exactly what you want to do just cannot be achieved when travelling in a group. 2020 has presented any free-spirited travel minded people with a bit of a problem – a pandemic, greater than any in our lifetime which has swept across the globe. Because of this we said goodbye to any travel plans and hello to what feels like a lifetime indoors in lockdown to prevent the further spread and save lives but there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon.

Many experts warned about prolonged damage to the aviation and travel industries with some airlines and holiday companies on the brink of collapse. But all is not as bleak as we once thought, with airlines planning to restore flights and countries opening their boarders to holiday makers this means our travel plans are close to being back on the schedule, so to get yourself ready for your next solo adventure we have curated what we believe to be the list to end all lists, the ultimate packing list.

Passport & Travel Documents

This comes first, as without a valid passport you may as well forget about any plans you have made. Your travel documents are equally important, so make sure all your tickets and boarding passes are kept together and kept safe. I like to use a plastic hold all wallet for my tickets and passport, as I can rest assured that everything is safe and exactly where I need it to be.


Clothes are another important item on the list, traveling without doesn’t bare thinking. In order to avoid carrying around, and potentially paying for excess baggage plan your outfits based on where you are going and what you are planning on doing whilst you are there. A set of comfy clothing is an absolute must when you are away from home, I always take a customised hoodie which I had made by Banana Moon for a trip I once made and I cannot tell you how thankful I am for a little comfort when on the road.


Like with clothes, it’s always a great idea to plan ahead to avoid taking excessive pairs of shoes. If possible, try take one pair of functional hiking boots, a pair of comfortable trainers and a backup pair. If your trip involves a lot of time spent on foot look at investing in some shock absorbing insoles, your feet and joints will feel so much better after a long hike.

Water Bottle

As many of the common travel destinations are still developing water cleanliness is not like what we are accustom to at home, so to avoid any upset stomachs from waterborne bacteria look for a water purifying water bottle as this will both keep you safe, and as you won’t be buying any single-use plastic bottles you are helping the environment too!

Smartphone & Charger

As smartphone technology has evolved users have become more reliant on mobile devices, and when you think you have a camera, maps, access to the internet, and ways to communicate with friends and family, there is no wonder why we are so reliant on these devices. As with most things however, there is a drawback, and that is battery performance. The days of the 3310 and its everlasting battery are gone so now we have to plan ahead, take our chargers and if possible, have a backup power supply with us at all times. A small price to pay for the features.

First Aid Kit

Regardless of where you are traveling, if you are traveling solo, or part of a group, a first aid kid it a must have on your packing list. You can buy a complete first aid kit from any high street chemist, but make sure you add provisions for the locations you are traveling, such as insect repellent, bite cream and re-hydration tablets.

Lightweight Bag

If whilst you are travelling you have planned activities or excursions, then having a lightweight backpack to put your essentials in for the day will be a huge help meaning you can travel light and leave your main luggage safe and secure at your accommodation.


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Filed under: Travel Guide

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has written 1187 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.

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