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The Bottle Keeper: The Best Way To Keep Your Beer Cold On The Road

What is better than the view when you reach the summit of a mountain? A cold beer to celebrate. But no one is going to carry a cooler up the mountain and a warm beer just isn’t the same. Enter the Bottle Keeper. The Bottle Keeper looks like a stainless steel water bottle, but inside [...]

What is better than the view when you reach the summit of a mountain?

A cold beer to celebrate.

But no one is going to carry a cooler up the mountain and a warm beer just isn’t the same. Enter the Bottle Keeper.

The Bottle Keeper looks like a stainless steel water bottle, but inside the bottle there is a neoprene sleeve. The bottom unscrews so you can slide in a beer bottle. Then you can pop the top off the beer and the water bottle top screws right in. I was able to turn it upside down without any beer spilling or leaking. You can carry your beer with you while keeping it cold, insulated and safe.  I put a standard size 12 ounce bottle in the bottle keeper which was a cozy fit.

There are three bottle sizes and their website conveniently lists which bottles are perfect fits, which brands will work and which ones won’t. There are some variations in even the “standard” size beer bottle, so your favorite microbrew might not fit as snugly or the neck might not stick out enough to be comfortable to drink from. Depending on the height of your beer, the top might also not look as if it is totally screwed on, but rest assured that it is more than likely secure.

BottleKeeper (3)

I took my Hidden Cove Brewing Company Summer Ale with me up a short hike in Maine. The bottle was a pretty standard size and fit perfectly into the Bottle Keeper. The beer was still cold an hour and half later and not flat. As I was hiking I was a little worried about the beer sloshing around in my backpack, but it didn’t spill at all and was actually probably safer than a glass bottle rolling around in there unprotected. I was really impressed. The product seems well designed and effective.

For those interested in being sneaky, the bottle keeper really looks just like a normal stainless steel water bottle — which may come in handy when wanting to drink a cold one in places where it is not exactly in accordance with the rules.

The Bottle Keeper comes in a variety of a few different colors and the option to order special decals — just in case you need to express your love for the Buffalo Bills every moment that you are drinking a beer.

The BottleKeeper

The BottleKeeper

There is a slight neoprene smell but I found that went away after washing and waiting. I also would recommend being sure that the neoprene is dry after washing to prevent mold from growing.  The neoprene sleeve, of course does, not keep things as cold as a double walled vacuumed insulated bottle, but I was satisfied with it being cold after a couple of hours of hiking in the summer heat.

Overall, I think the bottle keeper would be great for the beach, a hike, or any other time you want to hang out outside or be discreet with your beer drinking. Honestly, summer means outdoors to me, being on the beach, hiking a mountain, or hanging out on the porch. So when you are out in the summer sun a cold beer tastes refreshing, delicious, and perfect. So get a Bottle Keeper to ensure this typical summer splendor isn’t squandered by warm beer — yuck.


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Filed under: Travel Guide

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has written 12 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.

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