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Vagabond Journey Traveler Tattoo Photos

These are photographs of Wade from Vagabond Journey's tattoos. He does not usually show off his tattoos while traveling, as they often attract a lot of attention - sometimes this is good, sometimes it is not. Wade has made many friends through talking about and showing his tattoos, but he has also been arrested before for not keeping them covered in the proper circumstances. There are times and places for everything. The tattoos on this page are of a Mayan alter in Copan, Peony flowers from Thailand, Indigenous Peruvian woman and child, anchor from Chile, sailor tattoos, and a compass rose. 

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Vagabond Journey Tattoo Photos:

hand tattoo
This is a photograph of my polynesian hand tattoo. No, it was not tattooed in polynesia but in Buffalo NY at Renesance Studios a long time ago.
tattoo in peru
Tattoo of indigenous Peruvian woman and child.
anchor tattoo
Anchor tattoo in the sailor style made in Santiago, Chile by Sergio Villagran.
sailor tattoo
Sailor tattoo from a N.C. Wyeth woodblock print.
punk rock tattoo
Punk rock tattoo from the younger days of roving without  a penny. Made in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
compass tattoo
Compass tattoo made in Buffalo, NY.

pirate tattoo
N.C. Wyeth sailor tattoo. This image was also the cover to Treasure Island.
tattoo pirate
Sailor tattoo.
skull tattoo
Skull tattoo first made in Florida and then re-done in Bangkok, Thailand.
tattoo flower peony
This tattoo of a peony flower I received in Bangkok, Thailand.


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