Take Notes Blogging TipTravel tip #33I take notes on just about everything, everyday, as I travel. But, oddly, one thing that I often try to leave to memory are the nuts and bolts of this blog and website.I try to remember without aids what pages have changed and need to be published, what folder this [...]
Take Notes Blogging Tip
I take notes on just about everything, everyday, as I travel. But, oddly, one thing that I often try to leave to memory are the nuts and bolts of this blog and website.
I try to remember without aids what pages have changed and need to be published, what folder this or that photo is in, and who commented on what post.
Wade from Vagabond Journey.com
in Istanbul, Turkey- March 2, 2009
Travelogue — Travel Photos — Travel Guide
All Travelogue Entries
I went into the comments section of Blogger this morning and found it full of good news. It is sometimes an apprehensive moment when you realize that you have a bunch of comments on what you have written: are they good, supportive, and insightful comments? or are they nasty little notes notifying me that I am an idiot? or is it all just spam?
I am a lucky travel blogger. I have a good crew of commenters who, without fail, offer insights and complete ideas that I could not have achieved on my own. The comments are an essential part of this travelogue, and the main reason why I switched back to the blogger format.
So when I opened my comments this morning, I found some really good words from a long term reader named Russ, along with a bunch of insights from the usual cast of characters. I quickly pushed the publish button and sent them all up to the pages without hesitation. I then went into the pages to respond to these comments.
In the blogger format, you have to go onto the pages yourself to respond to comments, which means that you have to find the pages that they were published to. This is often not too difficult, as most comments are centered around the newer posts. But sometimes, as this blog has gotten pretty huge, I loose a comment in the bulk and have to go searching for it.
I lost Russ’s comment this morning. There is a delay on the Blogger system from the time that I push the button to publish the comments and the moment that they appear on the pages. I could not remember what post Russ commented on, and I searched and searched through the pages to find it. After around 15 minutes of looking I finally provenienced it, and wrote a response.
In point, it would have taken far less time and energy if I had just taken a little note to signal what pages the comments went onto.
Travel tip for traveling webmasters: keep a pad of paper and pen next to your computer at all times, take notes.
Travel tip for traveling webmasters: if you use the blogger platform, take a note on what posts have new comments.
In all, I only lost 15 minutes of time searching for this comment. I have a 24 hour free internet connection, so I can accept such expenditures. But if I were in an internet cafe, this search would have taken up a quarter of my internet time for the day, and would have cost between 25 and 50 cents.
When traveling, take notes on everything.
When blogging, take notes on everything.
Computer travel
Vagabond Journey Travel Tips
Be aware of the information that you enter into public computers- Travel Tip #18
Use Care with Computer Plug when Traveling
Take Notes Blogging Tip
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About the Author: VBJ
I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 93 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. VBJ has written 3728 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.
VBJ is currently in: Rome, Italy
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