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Study Abroad Blog

  • Are There Travel Scholarships

    Are there travel scholarships for photographers? Hello, I do not know of any scholarships that could help you out with this. For most travel scholarships you need to be a part of an accredited university program to be eligible. You may be better off trying to get a job or an internship with an established [...]

  • How to Choose an Archaeology Field School

    How to choose an archaeology field school ? Hello Yogi, First of all, make sure that the archaeology fieldwork programs that you are looking into are actual field schools. Make sure that it is for a duration for at least six weeks, that it is taught by an accredited university, and that you get some kind of certification (or [...]

  • Why Stay in Italy when you can Travel the World

    Traveling and Studying online in Italy — Good Travel Strategy, but why stay in Italy? studying online and using financial aid money to travel is a top notch move.

  • Study Abroad Online Good Travel Stategy

    There are many strategies for obtaining the resources for traveling the world: perpetually working abroad, working a lot at home and then traveling sans work, making a lot of money and then retiring into a life of travel, doing a bunch of short trips on vacation from work, working terms abroad and then traveling in [...]

  • How to Convince your Parents to Let you Travel

    How do I convince my parents to let me travel? This is a question from a reader who wants to go traveling in Europe, but his parents say that he must wait another year and show good progress in school first. But the reader wants to travel sooner. What can he say to his parents [...]

  • Study Abroad in The Czech Republic Without Student Visa

    How can I study abroad in the Czech Republic without a Student Visa? Hello Ross, I understand your predicament well: you want to study abroad in the Czech Republic but your program is going to last longer than the time allowed by your Schengen visa. This is a very common situation, and many study abroad [...]

  • How Study Abroad Benefits Career

    Letter to the Editor from Verge Magazine Hi Wade, Hope you are doing well. I just wanted to let you know that the article I interviewed you for in the fall for Verge Magazine (on independent studies/travel) is finally slated for publication in their fall 2009 issue! So that will come out in September. I [...]

  • Educational Autobiography

    Educational AutobiographyI am unsure if this could be of interest to anyone, but the following link goes to a haphazard run through of my educational autobiography. It was just one of those ransom type assignments that I had to complete to receive my university degree from Global College, Long Island University.————–Wade from Vagabond Journey.com in [...]

  • Independent Study and Multicultural Education

    Independent Study and Multicultural EducationThe following is an interview that Verge Magazine , out of Canada, did with Vagabond Journey on the importance of independent study and international/ multicultural education.————–Wade from Vagabond Journey.com in Brooklyn, New York City- October 22, 2008Travelogue — Travel Photos ————–1. What kinds of travel experiences have you had as part [...]

  • Scholarship to Travel the World

    Scholarship to Travel the WorldA reader by the name of Taylor emailed me asking advice on where in the world he should propose to travel for a $20,000 scholarship. It seems as if a very wealthy man who “who clearly has too much money” gives this huge travel scholarship to one student at Taylor’s university [...]