Andy from tossed me another bone to chew up and travel this world a little cheaper with. It goes as follows: to make webpages for his hotel site in exchange for a free room. It works. I tried it for the first time in Santiago Atitlan, and this “swell graft” worked with flying colors. Mira and I [...]
Andy from tossed me another bone to chew up and travel this world a little cheaper with.
It goes as follows: to make webpages for his hotel site in exchange for a free room. It works. I tried it for the first time in Santiago Atitlan, and this “swell graft” worked with flying colors. Mira and I put up a webpage for the Hotel San Pablo, received two free nights of accommodation, and were showered with gifts and thank yous as we waved goodbye. Making webpages for hotels is a good deal for the hotel – as they get a free website, for the site – as it gets more content, and for me – as I get free nights of accommodation. This graft is good from every direction.
So if ever I walk into your hotel holding a big, black laptop computer in my hand and start giving you some incomprehesible rap, you will know that I am only trying to work for a place to lay my head . . . and you get a free webpage out of it. is essentially a massive collection of hotel webpages from all over the world, that has been a decade in the making. This incredibly huge site seeks to include every city, town, and village on planet earth – as well as the hotels, hostels, and hovels that cover it. At latest count, the site was up to over eight million pages, and Google is indexing them by the hundreds of thousands each week. This is a big project, and it leaves both myself and Ubertramp in awe. is quickly becoming a seriously awesome travel resource.
If you do not believe me, go to and search it for your hometown. No matter what little backwater hole you’ve crawled out of, it will be included in the site. I looked for my own backwater home town of Gaines, NY, and, to my surprise, it had a page in Not even the people who live in Gaines, NY really know where it is, but there is a page for Gaines hotels. Try it.
It is Andy’s intention to allow hotel owners to take people into their hotels and look into the rooms, bathrooms, common areas, and the surrounding neighborhood before they arrive. It is his intention to give all of the straight facts upfront: the costs, the address, the contact information is the first thing that you will see when you get on to one of these hotel pages. In Andy’s hobo style, you get all of the information that you need and want without any excessive baggage. There are photos and descriptions of the outside of the hotel, the inside, the common areas, the kitchens or dining areas, the bathrooms, the surrounding neighborhood, nearby attractions, and the rooms themselves so that you know what you are dealing with upon arrival.
Making pages for this site is going good. If I continue to find hotels to make these pages for, my travel expenses should be cut down to around five to seven dollars a day.
Travel is cheap. The world is big.
My mother always told me that a little work can go a long way.
I think this graft can carry me around the world a dozen times over.
Go to Santiago Atitlan Guatemala Hotel San Pablo to look at the page that we made.
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About the Author: VBJ
I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 93 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. VBJ has written 3728 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.
VBJ is currently in: Rome, Italy
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