Thoughts during a long layover at the Bermuda Triangle of airports.
Syrian Refugee Trapped In Moscow Airport Granted Asylum In Sweden
After nine months of being stuck in the transit zone of Moscow Sheremetyevo airport, Hasan Yasien is free.
How Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport Became a Refugee Camp
Hasan Yasien and a group of other refugees have been stuck in the transit zone of Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport for over a hundred days. Is this an airport or a detention center?
The Money Russia Spent on the Sochi Olympics in a Stack of $1 Bills
How much is the 51 billion dollars that Russia spent on the Olympics really?
Russian Magazine Says It’s Going to Publish a “Good” Prophet Muhammad Comic
A Russian magazine says they’re going to publish a culturally sensitive comic about Muhammad. We’ll see how well this goes over.
The End of the World is Near, Why Pay Traffic Tickets Says Russian
A man in Siberia says the end of the world trumps his traffic fine. The authorities say that all fines must be paid no matter what the ancient Maya predicted.
Don’t F’ing Drink and Drive Says Altered Russian Billboard
Some Muscovites thought they needed to up the message: Stop F#cking Drinking and Driving!
Traveling To Russia . . . In the Winter
The story of a journey into Siberia . . . in the dead of winter.
Russia Visa
The following are the ins and outs to obtaining a Russian Visa. The ins and outs of acquiring a Russian visa If you are heading for Russia then you are going to need a visa, and it is vital that this paperwork is sorted out well in advance of any planned trip being finalised. What [...]