Follow the rules if you want to fly.
Air transportation is a complex process that requires well-coordinated work of the entire team. To ensure flight safety and comfort, it is important that the crew members and passengers strictly adhere to the established rules of conduct. Before checking out current traveling offers at, read the rights and obligations during a flight.
A passenger is a person who travels on-board an aircraft, according to an agreement with the airline and purchased tickets.
The crew is the members of the aircraft who are on board during the flight. The crew members include the captain (pilot), co-pilot, senior flight attendant, and flight attendants who are accommodated in the passenger cabin of the aircraft.
Passenger Rights
The aircraft passenger has the right to:
- Require the provision of all services provided for by the airline’s rules on the website, in the dispatch center, or on tickets
- Refuse the flight if he/she feels anxiety or fear about staying on board
- Reach out for help from the crew members if a passenger feels that his/her life or health is in danger
Passenger Obligations
Each passenger of the aircraft is obliged to:
- Take the seat on the plane according to the ticket
- Place the luggage and carry-on baggage in designated areas
- Fasten the seat belts when the corresponding inscription is displayed on the board
- Keep order and discipline, not disturb the peace and comfort of other passengers
- Accurately follow all instructions of the crew
Passenger Prohibitions
Onboard the airliner, passengers are prohibited from:
- Obstructing crew members from doing their job
- Destroying or spoiling the property of the aircraft and removing its elements
- Creating conflict situations that can harm the safety of passengers and crew
- Showing aggression, physical and mental violence
- Consuming alcoholic beverages other than those offered by the airline
- Smoking, including electronic cigarettes
- Using drugs and being under the influence of drugs
- Obstructing the aisles and emergency exits with body or luggage
- Getting up from the seat and moving onboard during takeoff and landing
- Using emergency and service exits without a flight attendant command
- Violating the rules for the use of electronic devices
Rules for the Use of Electronic Devices
Regulations for the use of electronic devices onboard are necessary to prevent interference with aircraft radio navigation systems. International rules and regulations include the following:
- It is forbidden to use radio, TV, radio-controlled cars, other toys with a remote control during the entire flight
- It is forbidden to use laptops, electric shavers, voice recorders, electronic players, e-books, etc. during takeoff and landing.
- Immediately after closing the doors of the aircraft, it is necessary to completely turn off the mobile phones or switch to the “flight” mode. You cannot use smartphones until the plane has fully landed.
Commander`s Actions
If the passenger violates any rules and prohibitions, the aircraft commander has the right to give commands to the crew members and the passenger to comply with the rules, which must be fulfilled immediately.
If the passenger does not comply with oral requirements, the crew members can take all measures (including compulsory) to eliminate the threat to the flight and ensure the safety of other passengers.
If the situation is dire, the commander is allowed to make an emergency landing at the nearest airport and transfer the offender to the prison of that country and jurisdiction. This passenger must pay all material compensation for an emergency landing.
If a passenger has violated certain rules of conduct on board, the airline and crew members have the right to apply certain sanctions to this person:
- Termination of the provision of alcoholic beverages to the passenger
- Confiscation of alcoholic beverages from the passenger (including those purchased in the duty-free zone) with their subsequent return after boarding
- The use of compulsory physical measures if the passenger refuses to follow the instructions of the aircraft commander
- Disembarking a passenger via an emergency landing at the nearest airport
- Imposition of a fine
- Imprisonment
- Deprivation of the right of carriage by this airline
- Adding the passenger’s name to the list of unwanted
- Revocation of visas
Some sanctions, such as administrative and imprisonment, and the imposition of fines may differ from country to country. Justice is administered according to the laws of the country in which the emergency landing was made.
The rules of conduct on board are bilaterally binding: they must be followed by both crew members and passengers. This is necessary to ensure the safety of the flight. Do not become the cause of conflict situations, behave politely and reservedly, follow all the instructions of flight attendants and the rules for the use of electronic devices. These requirements are not complicated at all, but failure to follow them can lead to very dangerous consequences. Know your rights and responsibilities while flying and travel safely.
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About the Author: Other Voices
Other Voices has written 1185 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.
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