We are on the journey of potty training. But if this milestone has challenges at home, there are even more on the road. While public toilets can be hard to come by and gross in the US, it can be even worse while on the road, especially since in most countries the dirty toilet paper [...]
We are on the journey of potty training. But if this milestone has challenges at home, there are even more on the road. While public toilets can be hard to come by and gross in the US, it can be even worse while on the road, especially since in most countries the dirty toilet paper gets thrown in the waste basket. As a result we wanted a potty we could take with us.
You can read my review of Cool Gear’s Travel Potty Chair here.
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About the Author: Chaya Shepard
After traveling on her own for three or four years, Chaya met up with Wade Shepard, the editor of VagabondJourney.com. They were married in 2009, and continue to travel the world together with their young daughter. From time to time Chaya blogs about family travel and life on the road. Chaya Shepard has written 102 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.
Chaya Shepard is currently in: Xiamen, China
March 2, 2012, 7:29 am
Before our daughter could sit we used a frisbee that had a loop to hang it off our backpacks. Then we eventually bought a regular plastic potty in Morocco and again put a hole in it and hung it from the backpack. It was invaluable.
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