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Travel Work Visa Question 

This is a question about working while traveling and labor laws and the need for visas from Jonathan. Submit links and comments to this page! Publish your relevant link, comment, or information below.


Questions about working while traveling from Jonathan:

Dear Wade,

You have a great site and I am very glad I ran across it. I will take advantage of your email and advice as you have offered it. Im wondering about the work opportunites like cafe work or resort work as it relates to the work laws. You seem to say that finding this type or temp work is pretty easy. Im wondering if there are any pitfalls in regards to work visas and that sort of thing.
Thanks for your time and help.

Jonathan Wood

My response about not needed work visas for temporary employment:

Hello Jonathan,

Thanks for your letter and for the compliments  In my experience, I have never had any problems with finding temp work while traveling as far as employment laws go. I was never really a permanent worker in any capacity, nor have I ever really been paid much money. I think that cafes, resorts, farms, bars or other places that need seasonal labor just want to fill their staffs, and, as they know that you will be gone soon, they usually do not bother with paperwork. But if you wanted to stay for a long time, you may eventually need to go and scribble up the work permit forms. It is sometimes not so bad getting the working visas though, if you are planning on a longer stay, and they are often not too difficult to get if you are from a Western country. But I am under the impression that it is often easier to get the work permits for some countries before you get there, rather than trying to switch over a tourist vise.  But, yeah, a lot of different professions the world over depend on temp labor. . . and no one is more easy to lay-off than a black market traveler.

Where are you planning on going?

Have Fun and Walk Slow,


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