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Pro Travel Secrets You Should Know By Now

How to instantly become a better traveler.

Passport boarding pass

With the holiday season just around the corner, most of us are making plans for our vacations. Whether you are someone that travels often or a clueless novice embarking on your first trip, we will share with you travel secrets that would help you plan your next vacay like a pro. 

Inconveniences are inevitable, bound to happen at one time or another. It is better that you come prepared. There is no amount of control that you could exercise over fate in hopes of putting your mind at ease, but what you could control is how you plan. The level of your planning can be your undoing in the most testing times or the reason for your resilience in an uncertain one. 

The following article is an attempt at providing you with travel insights that the pros have developed after a millions miles travelled over a period of several years if not decades. 


Your packing is a crucial deciding factor in your trip’s success. A common tip that saves space in your luggage is to roll your clothes instead of folding them. 

Zip locks can be used to pack toiletries—with plastic wraps covering the lids because air pressure can cause bottles of toiletries to pop—and other smaller-sized essentials. Make sure the air is squeezed out of the zip bag when you close it. In order to keep your jewelry from getting entangled with the other stuff in your luggage, put it in a pill box or a small casing of its own. 

Research everything about your destination

Whether you are traveling to Morocco to spend some time in its beautiful culture, people, and landscapes; or plod the trails of Iseltwald at Switzerland; or to get away from it all by escaping into the  large cabins in Gatlinburg, tucked away inside the Great Smoky Mountains, it pays to do your research well in advance. 

A lot of research should go into your preparation. Everything, from airplane flights to booking your stay, to figuring out the eating situation, needs to be handled in advance. 

For travel within the destination country, find out if their public transport is worth it or would you be better off just renting out a vehicle for the entirety of your stay. 

Checking out what the weather will be like in your destination country also helps you pack accordingly. You don’t want to be left wanting for warm clothes in the middle of your getaway retreat into the mountains now, would you? 

Talk to people who have been to the country or state you wish to visit 

If anyone you know has already travelled to the place you’re planning on going to, make sure you talk to them. Ask them about their experiences and the things they wish they’d known before going on the trip. They can guide you better than any online resource and give you a better idea of what to expect.

Soak up a bit of the culture before you arrive

Research and take the time to understand the culture of the place you wish to go to. This cultural understanding will only serve to enrich your experience further. 

Apart from giving you a comprehensive idea about the societal norms observed there, it will also make you feel at-home with the people and the foreign surroundings instead of having to go through a jarring cultural shock. 

For example, if you’re traveling to Italy, learning about the history of the Florentine families will give you a newfound appreciation for the arts and cathedrals of the Italian Renaissance. An understanding of the Mughal period will make sites like the Taj Mahal all the more meaningful. 

If you’re traveling to Dubai, you can only marvel at the advancements architecture and economy have brought about there. 


An important factor that we often overlook on vacation is to take care of our health. Falling sick on your trip will potentially ruin your plans. It is crucial to get the vaccination shots for malaria, hepatitis, cholera, and now Covid, if you are traveling to countries with special vaccination guidelines.

Make sure you are carrying your medications on you, especially if you have chronic conditions, like hypertension or diabetes. 

If you’re having migraines, you should also carry some over-the-counter painkillers. You should also carry anti-allergy medicines as you never know what allergens you might encounter on your trip. Make sure to also keep band aids and antiseptic creams. You should take your health seriously, especially when traveling to countries with less stringent health codes or advanced healthcare systems.

Book in Advance

Look up hotels and restaurants online, and get your living arrangements for the trip sorted out months in advance. Meticulously planning your trip down to the bookings will save you the stress and a whole lot of cash, as advance bookings are usually cheaper. Instead of stressing, you will be out there enjoying the city skylines and soaking up in the culture, knowing that you don’t have to worry about your stay for the night. 

Similarly, look up the restaurants you would visit during your stay. While this might seem like incessant planning, leaving no room for adventurism of any kind, you would be relieved on the actual trip as this will leave a lot of time for you to go sightseeing. 

Be flexible

No matter how much you plan and how many minute details you try to work out, there are always going to be things that are going to be outside your control. 

Sometimes it could be the weather conditions or people getting in the way of your best-laid plans. It is important that under such circumstances, you maintain a positive outlook. If you are mentally prepared for things to go wrong, you are much more likely to work through it. 

Just to be on the safe side, it will not hurt to carry emergency cash on you. It might also be wise to have multiple copies of your passport and identification cards, in case you lose documentation. 


The most important, and the reason for which people take to traveling, is to enjoy themselves. But often, bad planning can put a spanner in the works of our travel aspirations, leaving us unable to derive any pleasure from our trip. The pro secrets of traveling shared above will take care of most of your travel plans, leaving little room for guesswork.


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