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Our Top Tips For Capturing Special Moments Perfectly On Camera

How to get those amazing shots.

Snapping photos while on holiday is a tricky one. On one hand, you want to capture as many memories as possible so that you have them to look back on in decades to come, but on the other hand, you want to immerse yourself in the moment and experience it first-hand, not through a lens. Luckily, you can find a middle-ground, so once you’ve packed your multiple batteries and filled out your ‘renew EHIC’ form, you can capture those special moments perfectly on camera.

Don’t Just Use Flash Indoors

Many people will view using flash outdoors as pointless, but believe us when we tell you that using flash in the bright daylight can actually capture a much better image. Even if the sun is burning bright in the day and you’ve got your shades on, you’d be surprised at the big difference using flash outdoors can make. The reason behind this is simply that even when the sun is shining, many shadows can be cast by objects on the wrong side of the sun, but the flash feature on your camera will flush out these shadows and even out harsh contracts.

Never Put The Camera Away

Understandably, nobody wants to be manually carrying a giant, HD camera around with them for every step of their holiday, however you should refrain yourself from putting it away completely. Truthfully, you don’t always need a high-end camera to perfectly capture moments on holiday, with many smartphones possessing high-quality cameras. As a result, opt for your smartphone or more compact digital camera for your holiday, and either keep it in a cross body bag or attach a strip to the camera itself and hang it across your body. This way, it’s always to hand, so you can capture numerous special photos in quick time without missing the moment.

Stop Yourself From Chimping

For those who aren’t sure, chimping simply means checking the photo on the back screen after taking it, a habit that many photographers fall into. We’re all guilty of flicking through our recently taken photos just moments after taking them, however this isn’t the optimal chance to do so! Instead, refrain from chimping, and wait until a quieter time later on when the action has calmed down, otherwise you run the risk of missing those extra special moments due to staring at your camera screen. It can also affect your photography flow, so simply keep snapping until the moment is over!

Use The Light To Your Advantage

The source of light is ultimately the biggest factor behind taking the perfect image, so you’ll want to use it to your advantage at all times. When shooting special moments, pay attention to how the light is hitting the scene and how it’s interacting with your camera. If it isn’t how you’d like, simply readjust yourself and experiment with your stances. A photography 101 that you’ll definitely want to pay attention to is never shooting with the sun directly behind you, as this is known to create a flat, dull light on the subject, so always aim to shoot with a light source beside or behind the subject, creating a more dynamic photo.


Naturally, unless you’ve taken extensive photography lessons, you’re unlikely to produce something worthy of a space at the local gallery, however it isn’t the professionalism of the photo that makes it special – it’s the moment. Capturing your true memories on camera doesn’t have to be difficult, and instead can be simple as long as you approach moments with passion and love.

Filed under: Travel Guide

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