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Other Travelers

  • A Profile Of A Chinese Backpacker

    Though finding an independent Chinese backpackers off the beaten track is rare, they are out there, traveling the world. Expect to meet them more and more as international travel becomes more popular in China.

  • Backpacking Blind: The Magnificent Story Of Alessandro Bordini

    Alessandro Bordini has almost circumnavigated Africa overland on a RTW journey without the aid of eyesight. This is a truly amazing story.

  • An Interview With Traveling Engineers

    Engineers are seriously all over the world, living permanently on the road, going from project to project. This is one of the best ways to travel and work concurrently. Watch an interview about the lifestyle and work of the traveling engineer.

  • China’s New Subculture: Ryan Lee, Traveling Musician

    I met traveling street musician in Changsha who had not only songs but a message for the people of his country.

  • Perpetual Travel Is A Gamble For Self-Determination And Sanity

    I can’t talk about leaving the rat race because I never entered it to begin with. In 1999 I began traveling, working on the road, living abroad, studying abroad, going wherever and I wanted and could afford to get to. I don’t have a cubicle ditcher story, I can’t tell a “take this job and [...]

  • Meeting a Living Goddess

    Dave from thelongestwayhome.com searches for the legend of the living goddesses of Nepal. Called the Kumari, they are young girls that are said to be incarnations of the goddess Durga and manifestations of the divine female energy. After years of extensive research and many failed attempts, Dave finally succeeded in being granted an audience with [...]

  • Travel Is About People, The Place Is Just An Excuse To Meet

    Andy at Hobotraveler.com explains a rule for evaluating friends and continuing friendships: If I say to a friend, “Do you want to go eat tonight?” And, he or she says, “Where?” I will say, “We can figure it out, when we are in the car.” If they do not say yes, I say, “Can I [...]

  • The Postmodern Vagabond: An Interview with Rolf Potts

    Rolf Potts has been traveling the world for over 15 years, documenting his experiences and insights for various magazines and websites, as well as in two books: the classic long term travel manual, Vagabonding, and a more recent collection of travel stories, Marco Polo Didn’t Go There. Vagabondjourney.com caught up with Rolf to inquire about [...]

  • Hippie Travelers in Colombia

    Colombia is full of hippies, or whatever you want to call the dreadlocked, often unwashed, more or less listless looking sect of traveler who seemingly come to the northern stretches of Latin America for the adventure, the cheap and readily accessible drugs, and the easy living. They are often from Argentina, traveling north, selling jewelry; but many [...]

  • I Meet the Perpetual Traveler Robin Reifel

    I met the perpetual traveler, Robin Reifel in a bus terminal in Tunja, Colombia. The world is full of travelers, yes, but very few have the desire to make the practice of itinerancy into an overblown lifestyle. Robin is one of the few.