Original Asus Eee PC Not Good for Traveling WebmastersThe original model of the Asus Eee PC is good as a web appliance when on the Road, but when it comes down to creating and maintaining websites – or doing things that require programs beyond the general Windows boot up – it is no good.No good.4 [...]
Original Asus Eee PC Not Good for Traveling Webmasters
The original model of the Asus Eee PC is good as a web appliance when on the Road, but when it comes down to creating and maintaining websites – or doing things that require programs beyond the general Windows boot up – it is no good.
No good.
4 gigs of internal memory was more than enough to have Windows and install all the programs that I need – Frontpage and a couple small photo editing systems – but it proved too small to continuously run these programs as well as use the internet.
I saved all documents and photos to an external SD card and flash drives, but the programs themselves proved too bulky to dance smoothly.
Wade from Vagabond Journey.com
in Brooklyn, New York City- November 1, 2008
Travelogue — Travel Photos
When you leave yourself with less than 100MB free space, internet browsing and program use creates a hostile environment for Windows. My Windows XP opperating system began crashing hard; my files began scrambling as I was using them; my computer was becoming the stage of a battle ground. Hobotraveler.com’s boy genius, Andrew, suggested that I use a program called Crap Cleaner to sweep out the constant build up of temp files and other crap, and this proved successful to a small extent, though it was obviously not a long term alternative.
For me to keep using the original (700 series I think) Eee PC would have been a constant battle. A battle in which I would be constantly fighting temp files and junk, and ever in peril of having my files scrambled or my operating system collapse.
So I have given up on the use of the 700 series Eee PC, as a tiding of good will has been sent my way.
A gesture of kindness was shown by a friend that requires its own page in this travelogue!
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About the Author: VBJ
I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 93 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. VBJ has written 3728 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.
VBJ is currently in: Rome, Italy
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