The news is about the extremes of a place — not what it’s really like.
Why Coal by Wire Will be China’s Biggest Environmental Catastrophe Yet
Hiding the pollution doesn’t make it go away.
Opinion: The Commercialization of Christmas Shows the Essence of the Holiday
The commercialization of Christmas is often scoffed at and scorned, but does the rampant consumer culture that surrounds the holiday really show what it’s all about?
Unpopular Opinion: Tipping isn’t a Town in China, it’s a Vile Custom that Should be Eradicated Globally
Why we should put an end to this barbaric custom.
Fast Food Unhealthy? Reports Show that the World’s Healthiest Countries Eat the Most McDonald’s
It is said that fast food is unhealthy, that it will make you fat and make you dead. But global statistics show something very different.
What Discovered Really Means, and the War Against Words
OPINION: Would you rather communicate or have a petty battle of intellect?
Body Cleanse Diets Are Pseudoscience
There is a new set of morality that has arising in various cultures around the world (especially the USA) that revolves around food and the idea of health. The cult of “health food” is rampant, and I can’t say how many times that I’ve listened to people making social status plays by bragging about their [...]