Moroccan Women’s Clothing, Photos and VideoSeptember 22, 2007Homepage: North Africa page: An anonymous reader posted a comment on my “I Sidestep a Lunatic and make a Friend” post . She said: “you should take more videos of the people. what do these people look like?? and further more….as I’m about to embark on this crazy [...]
Moroccan Women’s Clothing, Photos and Video
September 22, 2007
North Africa page:
An anonymous reader posted a comment on my “I Sidestep a Lunatic and make a Friend” post . She said:
“you should take more videos of the people. what do these people look like?? and further more….as I’m about to embark on this crazy adventure….what are the women wearing? i want to blend in too. <3″>
So I set out yesterday with video camera in hand to get some photographs and videos of the clothing that women wear in Morocco. I found that it was difficult to get permission for close up photos, so most of these photos were taken “on the fly.”
This video was taken in the medina of Meknes. Notice how the dog in the background scares these girls.
This photograph shows how mature women tend to dress here. A long robe and a headscarf seems to be the long and short of their attire.
This photo above was taken of some more “fashionable” younger women. Note how the older traditional styles of Moroccan dress are being blended with newer fashions- like jeans.
Again, this photo is an example of the blending of traditional and modern styles.
This is another video that I took in the Meknes medina to show women’s clothing in Morocco.
A traditionally dressed woman.
This photo is of some young women who are dressed in very modern clothing. But I still find it interesting that these modern clothes still tend to be a little free flowing like the traditional robes.
Hand made, traditional women’s robes in Meknes, Morocco
Three generations of Moroccan women’s fashion. Notice how the style has gradually been changing.
So basically, if you do not want to be overly conspicuous in Morocco I would just recommend wearing a head scarf, snug fitting blue jeans, some kind of flowing blouse, and very dainty shoes. Or you could go all the way with it and dress in the tradition style. Any way you do it just have fun. I have never really purposefully done this before, but dressing in the traditional style of a country that you are travelling through could be fun. It is not my impression that people will look down on you for copying their “style”- unless you dress like an obscure minority group- as I believe that they will just think that you are wearing “clothes.” Because here in Morocco, women dress in robes with headscarves. It is normal. They may get a kick out of you dressing this way, but I don’t think that they will find it objectionable.
I hope this helps.
Walk slow and feel free to get in touch with me when you get here,
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About the Author: VBJ
I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 93 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. VBJ has written 3728 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.
VBJ is currently in: Rome, Italy
July 21, 2009, 1:49 am
I am from Morocco, I really enjoyed yourobservations which I couldnt notice, coz I see them everyday!
July 21, 2009, 9:18 am
Thank you, I appreciate it.
Have fun,
November 10, 2009, 6:54 pm
sorry but the majority of Moroccan ladies are much more elegant than this… the pictures do not reflect the way the women in other cities get dressed.
December 11, 2009, 4:53 pm
Nice blog. Interesting prespective about clothes
April 17, 2010, 12:43 pm
i would like to buy wholesale lidies dress
thank -
October 27, 2010, 4:56 pm
I totally agree with Soundouss! Every time foreigners visit Morocco they manage to take pics of people that look “exotic” enough for them. Morocco is full of women young and old wearing exactly the same outfits you would find in Europe and the US. But of course if you go to the Medina (where tourists like to go:) you will find the women above, they also don’t have dishwashers at home and they don’t have showers too! They go to the public bath. I bet you Mr Wade I can find something just as exotic/ghetto in your town, if I look for it.
March 29, 2011, 12:43 am
As a matter of fact, the issue here is not about what type of clothing he pictures but the copyright. Who gave you the right to display pictures of people shot against their will ? This is ethically not right and you know it and you might be sued any time. As for type of clothing, and this is for IC and Soundouss, why are we so proud that we wear like Europeans ? You can be elegant in your elegant and if thisguy is American then elegance is a word they dont even know but in DC.
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