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Manzanillo and the Mismo Sol

 I left Manzanillo last night and my stay at the Mismo Sol Hostel was better than what I could ask for.  I wasn’t incredibly impressed with the beaches in Manzanillo.  At this time of year the tide is so high that there is little actual beach to use.  Also, with a hurricane somewhere out in [...]

 I left Manzanillo last night and my stay at the Mismo Sol Hostel was better than what I could ask for.  I wasn’t incredibly impressed with the beaches in Manzanillo.  At this time of year the tide is so high that there is little actual beach to use.  Also, with a hurricane somewhere out in the Pacific the waves were pretty big which made the ocean nice to look at but not so great to swim in.  The Mismo Sol hostel was an entirely different story.  It was the best hostel I’ve ever stayed at and here are 5 reasons why.

1. A 40 oz of beer (not malt liquor) is $2.00. You can’t find a better price than that anywhere.
2. The night worker is also a piercing and tattoo artist who will bring his equipment if you need anything done.  We had one nose piercing while I was there.
3. 10 minute walk to the beach and a pool to swim around in at night.
4. A practicing chef will come over and make you crepes.
5. As Don, the owner, says, ‘We’re not all-inclusive, We’re all you can handle.’  Couldn’t agree more.

Here are some pictures of Colima and Manzanillo.


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Filed under: Cubicle Ditcher, Mexico

About the Author:

Sam Langley left a comfortable and profitable job with an insurance company in the USA to travel the world. He has been going for years, and has not stopped yet. Keep up with his travels on his blog at Cubicle Ditcher. has written 147 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.

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