Letter to the Editor- Wolves in Maine New Hampshire
Letter to the Editor – Wolves in Maine New Hampshire I just happened to find your page on the web, And one of the first things I noticed was that you were currently in Maine. I read your article titled “Howling for Wolves in Maine”. Something I thought you might be interested in is the [...]
Published onJuly 22, 2009byVBJFollow me on Twitter here.
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Letter to the Editor – Wolves in Maine New Hampshire
I just happened to find your page on the web, And one of the first things I noticed was that you were currently in Maine. I read your article titled “Howling for Wolves in Maine”.
Something I thought you might be interested in is the Loki Clan Wolf Refuge, just across the Maine/New Hampshire border in Chatham. http://www.angelfire.com/folk/lokiclan/
These are actually hybrid wolves that have just enough german shepherd in them to be considered legal to own. The fact is they are in fact wolves at heart and the people that buy them to try to keep them as pets do not know what they are getting themselves into.
Fred Keating, the owner, has made it his life long crusade to give these wolves a much more natural environment to live.
As I was reading your article I was reminded of the time I brought my nieces and nephews up there for a tour. As I approached one of the pens one of the wolves caught my scent and decided that she didn’t much care for me. She let off a howl, which of course considering that I was 10 feet away from her, plus could see the look in her eye, startled me. I was not mentally prepared for what came next. The whole hillside of 10 or so different pens with 10 + /- wolves per pen slowly started to erupt with howling. It was a wave of sound comprised of wolf howls that lasted 5+ minutes. The wolves within view were all giving me dirty looks which of course added to the freakishness of it all. Luckily the tour was just about over anyways so I nonchalantly loaded the kids into the truck and headed back down the winding dirt road leading to the place. As I was leaving I could still hear a few of them baying in the distance.
Excellent site by the way, It is now one of my top bookmarks.
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I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 93 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. VBJ has written 3728 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.
Ghost Cities of China is a book which recounts the two and a half years I spent on the ground investigating China’s empty new cities. Pull back the dark veil on the New China and find out what the country is really all about.